Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sam-11 month survey!

Monthly Survey
1.       How old is baby? 11 months (ok, well more like 11.5 lol)
2.       Doctor’s appointments?: April 25, 2013
3.       Stats:
a.       Weight: Probably around 25lbs
b.      Height: Around 32 inches
c.       Clothes size: 12-18 months for everything.
d.      Diaper size: Using up the last of the 3's and have 4's standing by.
e.      Hair color: Blonde.
f.        Anything else? This kid is just solid. And adorable. :)
4.       Milestones:
a.       Verbal skills: He still jabbers constantly. He says "dada", "mama", "ot", "up", and I don't know that they're all words exactly, but those are the main sounds.
b.      Rolling: Oh no, he's got way more important things to do!
c.       Crawling: Very rarely anymore.
d.      Walking: YES!! He started walking on February 10, 2013! It's actually 2 weeks sooner than Clara did! Now he's all over the place. He even started walking with his hands down by his side!
e.      Anything else? He likes to point at stuff. He loves walking around the house and likes to carry things while doing so. He likes to eat, a lot! And he enjoys putting things into and taking things out of other things. Sometimes it drives Clara nuts. He claps, waves, and even dances a little, too.
5.       Things he likes: He loves to play, pull things off of shelves and tables, walk everywhere, do anything with his sister. He likes to clap along when he hears someone else clapping, even on TV. He ADORES SuperWhy. He likes to read his Highlights Hello magazine with us.
6.       Things he dislikes: Trying new foods and getting his diaper changed. :)
7.       Sleeping: At night he has been sleeping really well. He's usually in bed by 8pm and sleeps pretty consistently until around 6am. He will usually take one nap anywhere from 1-3 hours and either in the morning or afternoon. Most times he'll sleep in the car if we're out and about, too.
8.       Eating: He's still eating a lot of jarred baby food, but we're starting to feed him more from the table. He loves yogurt!
9.       Nicknames: Captain and Stormageddon.
10.   Things we’re looking forward to next month: His 1st Birthday (which is actually at the end of this month)!!! We're also having 1-year pictures taken and having pictures taken at his party. It's also my birthday. He and Clara are going to Mimi & Papa's for the evening so Daddy & I can go out for dinner.
11.   How I like motherhood: I still love it (most days, anyway)!! I think there will always be days when I wish I had more time for myself to do things besides homework and housework, but I love spending time with the kids. And honestly, when I've put in a hard day at work nothing warms my heart more than when both kids come running over to me after I walk in the door.
a.       Likes: Watching them play together and even breaking up their fights and arguments.
b.      Dislikes: Not having quite as much time to myself as I would like.

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