Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hi ho, hi ho...

...it's back to work I go. Last week Thursday I returned to the workforce. This past Monday was my first FULL day back. It wasn't nearly as hard as I was expecting it to be, but I sure did miss my baby!! Luckily, the day went by quickly and I could get back home to smother her in hugs and kisses. She repayed me by being in a good mood and being full of smiles. It's easy to go back to work when I know that her Daddy is taking good care of her while I'm gone.

Clara celebrated her first Christmas this year. It was a very busy weekend! Friday night we all went to church for Christmas Eve service. After that, as per tradition, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights. We met my parents at our house for dinner and finally got to bed around 10. Saturday morning started EARLY! Clara woke up at 5:30 and no one really wanted to go back to sleep. The 3 of us laid in bed together for quite a while. It was so nice. :) But, we decided we were just going to get up. Adam, Clara and I all opened presents together. Scooter even got some new things in his stocking: an awesome new collar and a new dinosaur chew toy. Around noon we packed up the car and headed for my extended family get-together in Neenah. Much fun was had by all...and Clara made out better than anybody. :) She got some really great toys that she's going to have a lot of fun with when she's a little older. After lunch and presents, it was once again time to hit the road...this time for Luxemburg for the Mueller family Christmas. We got there around 5:30 for a delicious turkey and gravey dinner with all the fixins. After dinner we opened presents. Once again, Clara made out really well with some cute outfits, some books, and some toys. Auntie Steff even got her some Dr. Seuss books that are written in Spanish! Daddy will have to read her those. :) We all stayed the night and on Sunday Clara got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Mueller while Adam and I went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Milwaukee. It was AWESOME as usual, but we've decided that if they're not going to have a show in Green Bay next year, we might not go. It's a lot of traveling...either that or we'll go, but not if it's going to be the day after Christmas.

So other than my returning to work, things are pretty quiet after the chaotic Christmas holiday. I'm looking into dental implant surgery and have been going to appointments for the past couple of weeks. I've got 2 appointments this week and one next week. I'm going to be really sick of the dentist by the time this is all said and done!

I think one of the things I most look forward to in the next month is the Eli Mattson concert in January in Greenville, WI. We haven't seen Eli since September! It would have been nice if his lady could have made the trip, too, but she's awfully pregnant right now, and travelling would SUCK! I'm excited for their baby's arrival, though...sometime in February. I SO wish we lived closer because our kids would be really close in age and it would be nice to have another mommy to hang out with.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I took the day off to go to an appointment for my oral surgery. Even though I've only been back to work for 2 whole days, it'll be nice to spend some quality time with my little girl. :) In just a few days she'll be exactly 2 months old! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. Before we know it, she'll be eating solid foods and walking! Slow down, little girl! You're growing too fast!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wow-it's been too long!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post! So much has been going on here lately.

First of all, Clara is now 6 weeks old. :) The time has certainly flown by. She's had some milestones. She stayed with both of her Grandmas for a few hours while her mommy & daddy had some time to themselves (which was MUCH needed!). She also saw her first snowfall and we brought home her first Christmas tree. She's growing really well, too! She now weighs 12lbs 3.5oz! On the downside, though, the last week or so hasn't gone too well. She was really fussy and having problems with choking when laying down and other symptoms of infant acid reflux. We finally got together with the doctor and he made the determination that it was, indeed, the case. So we now have her on Zantac twice a day. If she shows improvement before January 3rd (her next well-baby check up) then we've hit the mark. If not, that just means we have a colicky baby. But the doctor seems confident that this medication should help. I haven't taken a 6-week picture of her yet, but when I do I'll post it. I've put them all up on Facebook so far (except I didn't take one for 5 weeks).

Other things we've been up to: I have about a million phone calls that I need to make...mostly related to our health insurance. I'm also getting ready to go back to school in January. I'm only taking 2 classes this semester. I figured I had enough on my plate. I'm also going back to work starting Monday. I'm not sure what I'll all be able to do when I get back, but we'll see. We're having Christmas with my immediate family on Friday. I've got pretty much everything I need for that. I think there's one or 2 things left to wrap. Other than that, we're just waiting for the actual holiday to get here so we can celebrate with the rest of our families. AND on the day after Christmas we get to go see TSO!! That's my favorite thing to do every year at Christmas! :)

Well, it's time to go start getting the bedroom set up for bedtime. Even though Clara's sleeping right now, she's probably going to want a small snack again before bed. I'm also employing some new tricks that will hopefully help with her not wanting to be put down and her reflux. I'll try to post picures tomorrow.