Friday, November 12, 2010

One handed update. :)

So I wanted to post an update, but Miss Clara was hungry, too, so I'm doing this one handed.

We are now about 1 1/2 weeks post-delivery. Things are going pretty well. We aren't on any kind of schedule yet, but we seem to be getting there. She is now going 3 hours between feedings at night which is nice. During the day she eats more often and likes to spend time in her swing.

My recovery is going pretty well. I still have some pain from my stitches, but it's getting better. I'm also down around 30lbs so far! Only 25-ish lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Yesterday I got out of the house for a while with my mom...Clara stayed home with dad. It was nice, and the weather was gorgeous!

Today we went to Green Bay to have Katie take Clara's newborn pictures. She got some, but Clara decided she was only going to cooperate for so long. I'm sure the ones she got were amazing, though.

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