For the time being I'm only taking 6 credits (half time). I need to be able to get my school work done while I'm at work because let's face it-I don't have much free time at home.
I've decided on Intro to Marketing and Politics of Crime & Punishment. Intro to Marketing is the last of the core classes needed for my Minor in Business Administration.
There are 2 added bonuses of returning to school: I get to stop paying on my student loans, and I get a new laptop! I have to say, though, that I'm not really excited to be getting back. It seems like I need a ridiculous amount of liberal arts classes to fill out my gen eds and I abhor liberal arts classes! I even thought maybe I'd take statistics rather than a liberal arts class (and that's saying something because I also abhor math).
I also hate filling out FAFSA forms. They suck. Oh yeah, and buying books. I've decided to go through my library at home and get rid of (and by that I mean hopefully sell to Amazon) any text books from previous classes that I'm probably not ever going to use again and hopefully get at least a little money back. The book for my Marketing class is over $200. And it isn't available on Kindle which is another sucky thing because I'm sure the book weighs about 300lbs and I've already got enough crap in my work backpack.
On to other things...
Sam's crib got brought over today. He won't be sleeping in it at night for a while yet because he's still occasionally waking up in the night and I don't want him waking Clara up. So I think for now we'll be getting it put in their room and set up. We'll have him take naps in it during the day and then we'll wait until after the 4-month wakeful to transition him there at night. Which reminds me...I need to buy a mattress pad for his crib yet.
Clara has been having a real word explosion lately. She has also started putting words together (like "mouse book" when she wants me to read her the mouse book that she has or "daddy chair" when she wants to sit in the chair with Daddy, or when she's sitting in Daddy's chair). We need to work on "eat" or "hungry" or "food" because she's been whining or trying to climb into her booster chair when she's hungry and neither of those are really acceptable options. We're also going to start trying to potty train her on Adam's next break (which is in about 2 weeks). She has been waking up dry in the morning and from naps.
My weight loss has been going really well, but my fitness has not. I'm still not able to get to the gym very often and haven't yet gotten any work out videos to do at home. I still want to so that's a good's just finding the time and trying to make it a priority. I'm also working out a house cleaning schedule because the house is a disaster and I need to find some way to keep up with it without it feeling like a huge hassle.
I guess that's about all that's been going on lately. I've wanted to write more often, but haven't really had a whole lot going on since I've been back to work. We're getting family pictures done next weekend as well as seeing some of Adam's famiy that I haven't met yet. I'm just hoping the weekend doesn't get too nuts because I'd kind of like to enjoy it since I worked last Saturday and all weekend this weekend.