Monthly Survey
How old? 2 Years!!! Oh My God!
Doctor’s appointments?: November 7
Weight: 28lbs (70th percentile)
Height: 36.75 inches (off the charts!)
Clothes size: 2T-3T in pretty much everything.
Diaper size: Size 6 in diapers and 2T in Pull-ups (when she wears them)
Hair color: Strawberry blonde.
Anything else?
Teething: Last I checked there were still no molars. Her sleep has been disturbed again lately, but I didn’t look to see if it might be her teeth on top of the cold she just got over.
Talking: She’s speaking more and more clearly all the time…either that or I’ve just learned to translate better. She can also say her name (not real clearly, but if you know what to listen for you’ll hear it).
Anything else? She sings ALL.THE.TIME. She has become pretty demanding. She won’t sit in her booster chair at the kitchen table anymore. We’re also working on potty training. Some days are definitely better than others, but it’s pretty exhausting and I’m not even the one doing most of the work.
Things she likes:
Toys: She’s really into dolls lately. She also likes her play kitchen at Mimi’s, swinging, playing outside (especially in the leaves).
Books: She still loves to read. I think one of her all-time favorites is Eric Carle’s Ghost Story. I’m not sure if it’s the actual story or the way Grandpa reads it. :)
Songs: She sings lots of songs. Some she learned at story time, others we (or others) taught her.
TV Shows/Movies: Caillou. Caillou. Caillou…seriously. It’s almost all that we ever watch. That and LeapFrog.
Other Activities: She’s still going to story time on Mondays. I’d like to get her back into swimming again, but we’ve been pretty busy and disorganized lately. She loves to feed the birds outside at Nama & Grandpa’s. She also likes feeding her new fish!
Things she dislikes: Sitting in her booster chair at the table, using the potty, being told she has to do anything (lol).
Sleeping: Sleeping has been hit or miss lately. It seems like she’s been waking up a lot again so I don’t know if there’s something going on developmentally or if she’s just a crappy sleeper. Naps are ok. Usually Adam and Mimi are the only 2 people who can get her to nap.
Eating: She hasn’t been eating very well again. Some days are better than others, but there are some days where it seems like she won’t eat anything. Or she won’t eat anything but garbage.
Favorite Foods: CHEESE!
Not so Favorites: Everything else. Lol Just kidding.
Nicknames: Nothing new from last month.
Things we’re looking forward to next month: Her birthday party is November 3. Other than that we’re just getting ready for Christmas and celebrating Thanksgiving. I think we’re doing the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day.
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