I keep saying this over and over. Clara's teething-her bottom front teeth. She's been insanely drooly on and off since 8 weeks or so, but the level of cranky has been ratcheted up in the last week or so. We've also begun to see and feel her teeth actually coming through. I'll be glad when they're all the way through! We've been doing our best to keep her comfortable: Tylenol, Ibuprofen at night, Orajel, cold teethers, and extra snuggling, but yesterday all she wanted to do was scream. I had to call Adam home from school early. Today he says she seems better; less cranky and more snuggly. I'm glad I know it's not easy growing up. She's almost 6 months old, which means we're also due for a growth spurt soon. With all the aches and pains that these kids go through, I'm glad she's too little to ever remember any of this.
I wish she could remember things like her first Christmas or Easter instead. :) Call it corny, but we're getting her an Easter basket. What the heck do you put in an Easter basket for an infant? I thought some things like some board books, a cute little outfit, and a couple new toys might be good options. I also hear rumors that Grandma and Grandpa are doing an Easter egg hunt for her Sunday. I hope I'm well enough to go!
I'm having dental implant surgery on Thursday. I'm hoping I'll be back up to snuff by Friday, but I guess we'll see. I've taken off of work for a week because I don't know if I'll be able to wear my false tooth by Monday when I would be returning and I'm NOT leaving the house without it...which is why I don't know if I'll make it anywhere Sunday, either. Time will tell. In the meantime, I'll try to enjoy the time off with my family, even though most of my day Thursday I'll be spending unconscious. :)