Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A bonus post! 5-Month survey

I was just on TheBump and one of my fellow bumpies posted this short survey to do every month. I really liked it so I'm going to try to do one every month. Here's the one for 5 months.

1) How old is your baby? 5 months

2) Stats

Weight:~17 lbs
Height:~28 inches
Clothing size: Mostly 9 months. Still fits some 3-6, though.

Diaper size: Huggies Size 2
Hair: Very light brown
Eyes: Blue, like Mom’s
Anything else you want to add:

3) Are they

Teething: Yes-2 bottom teeth visible beneath the gums, but not poking up just yet.
Talking: Babbling, but not really talking
Rolling: Yes, front to back and back to front
Crawling: No.
Walking: No, but she likes to stand up and can lean against things.

Anything else you want to add: She can tripod sit, but can’t sit completely on her own yet.

4) What they like

Toys: The suction cup toys for her high chair, the stuffed monkey my Grandma Kay got her for Valentine’s Day, her elephant Wubbanub, and her puppy.
Books: Not a big fan of books just now.
Song: Doesn’t really have a favorite.
Anything else you want to add: She loves to watch her “Your Baby Can Read” DVD and PBS Kids shows. She also LOVES baths. She likes to splash in the tub and also going for walks in the stroller. And Scooter, our dog. :)

5) What they dislike: Going to bed and naps.
Ways they like to be soothed: Rocking, paci, standing and patting on the back.

6) How are they sleeping? At night, pretty horrible. Naps are hit and miss.

7) How are they feeding? Great. She’s eating 3 solid meals a day of fruits, vegetables, and rice cereal. She’s also completely on formula and took to the change well.

8) Nicknames – Muffin, Magwi, the munchkin.

9) What are you looking forward to the next month? We’ll be doing 6-month photos with Katie. I’m hoping to get her into swimming class, too. She may attend her first Memorial Day Parade if the weather’s nice. Maybe we’ll go to the zoo or the wildlife sanctuary. Grandma & Grandpa are going camping and we’re going to go visit so that’ll be a first, too.

10) How are you handling Motherhood? Not as well as I would like, but I’m doing my best. It’s a struggle to be working full time and going to school as well as taking care of her so Adam can get his schooling done.

Likes: My favorite time is spending time entertaining her. I love to watch her face light up first thing in the morning when I get her from her crib in the morning or after I’ve been gone all day at work.

Dislikes: She doesn’t take good naps during the day and bedtime is a fight every time.

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