Monthly Survey
- How old? 22 months!
- Doctor’s appointments?: November 7, 2012
- Stats:
- Weight: 30.2lbs
- Height: 35.5 inches
- Clothes size: 2T-3T (depending on the clothes brand). Shoes are 7.5-8.
- Diaper size: Size 6 Huggies
- Hair color: Blond, and really long!
- Anything else?
- Milestones:
- Teething: Still can’t tell if all the molars are in yet.
- Talking: All the time. She is saying new things all the time. She is even doing multi-word sentences. She also says “Sam” now instead of Nam.
- New words: Sister, sunshine, diaper, sleeping, change
- Potty Training: We’re taking the slow approach to potty training. Right now we’re rewarding her for sitting on her potty when she chooses to (even with her pants on). Most of the time it’s when we’re in there using the bathroom ourselves. We also need to get her to tell us when she needs a diaper-which she has a few times.
- Anything else? She’s quite the little parrot lately. She repeats a lot of things that she hears. She actually read her very first word (hi)!! **08/12/12** She loves jumping! It’s almost her preferred mode of transportation. ☺
- Things she likes:
- Toys:
- Books: Her favorite book right now is “Eight Little Monkeys”.
- Songs: She can sing most of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by herself.
- TV Shows/Movies: She has been really into the WonderPets lately…much to my annoyance. ☺
- Other Activities: We’re on break from swimming right now until the fall session starts. She loves to chase Scooter. She likes being tickled and even asks for more. She enjoys coloring and looking at her “Baby” cards.
- Things she dislikes:
- Sleeping: Not great lately. She has been waking up often at night. I don’t know if she’s having nightmares or what, but with a long last couple of weeks with work & school, everyone in the house is beyond tired.
- Eating: Eating has been getting better. She used to hardly eat anything, but now she’s starting to pack away the food again. It’s hard to find something she wants consistently though (besides cheese).
- Favorite Foods: Cheese, ketchup, buns, and French fries.
- Not so Favorites:
- Nicknames: Nothing new from last month.
- Things we’re looking forward to next month: Daddy, Aunt Jessi, and Aunt Steff’s birthdays. I would like to get to the orchard again to pick some apples. Clara has been pretty obsessed with horses lately so we were thinking about taking her to Bay Beach to ride the ponies. We’ll also be scheduling her 2-year pictures! I’m both excited and sad. ☺
She's hard to catch!
Petting a cow at the fair
Wearing Daddy's shirt
He's catching up!
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