Monthly Survey
- How old is baby? 5 months old
- Doctor’s appointments?: October 10, 2012
- Stats:
- Weight: 16.8lbs
- Height: 25 inches (haven’t gotten an accurate measurement the last few months!)
- Clothes size: 6-12 months
- Diaper size: Size 3 Huggies
- Hair color: Blonde-ish. Still looks red sometimes, though.
- Anything else?
- Milestones:
- Verbal skills: He’s still really vocal. He likes to make “ooh” and “ahh” sounds. He has also learned how to scream…not fun.
- Teething: Still no teeth yet, but he’s been a drooling crank-monster lately so I’m hoping there will be teeth soon!
- Rolling: Both ways and more often lately.
- Crawling: Not yet, but he gets his knees up underneath himself and has been pushing himself up really high on his hands. It won’t be long before he’s crawling!
- Anything else? He has managed to find his feet and likes to play with them a lot. He has discovered noise! He loves to bang on things as hard as he can. He’s also getting better at sitting. He can’t sit up for long periods of time, but he can for a little while. I’m sure he’ll be doing it on his own before we know it.
- Things he likes: He likes a lot of things, just not for long periods. He likes to lay on the floor in the morning to watch TV. He likes to spend time in his jumper
- Things he dislikes: It seems like we may be dealing with some separation anxiety and possibly that he’s uncomfortable sleeping in the pack n play. He has been taking really good naps if he sleeps on a bed so it looks like we’ll be getting his crib set up soon.
- Sleeping: He had been sleeping through the night but has been having a spurt of waking up once-sometimes before 10pm, sometimes around 1-2am. We have started a nightly bath time routine, which has seemed to help get him to sleep. And he’s still better at putting himself back to sleep than Clara ever was. He isn’t very fond of naps, though.
- Eating: He averages about 25oz of expressed milk when I’m not home and nurses often during the day when I am home. He has also been taking 1-2 5oz bottles with 1Tbsp oatmeal in it, usually in the morning and maybe once before bed.
- Nicknames: The captain, little buddy.
- Things we’re looking forward to in the next month: Daddy, Aunt Jessi, & Aunt Steff’s birthdays! Maybe a visit to the orchard to pick apples and maybe Ethnic Fest if someone else takes them since I have to work. Mommy also starts school again. We’re talking about taking a trip to Bay Beach so Clara can go on a pony ride. And we’ll be starting spoon feedings soon, too!
- How I like motherhood:
- Likes: It’s getting better and better. Clara loves to play with Sam now that he is more interactive. She brings him toys and gives him kisses. He loves to watch her and smile at her.
- Dislikes: I wish I had a clone! There never seems to be enough time in a day to get everything done and still have time to sleep.
In the exersaucer at Mimi's
Checking out the toy assortment in his high chair
His latest trick!
Friends, or conspirators?
Snuggles with Mommy
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