Monday, October 1, 2012

Sam's 6 month survey!

Monthly Survey

  1. How old is baby? 6 months!
  2. Doctor’s appointments?: October 10, 2012
  3. Stats:
    1. Weight: 17.2 lbs
    2. Height: Didn’t measure this month. We’ll wait til his appointment on the 10th (28 inches).
    3. Clothes size: 6-12 months, depending on the brand.
    4. Diaper size: 3’s in Huggies
    5. Hair color: Still reddish-blonde
    6. Anything else?
  4. Milestones:
    1. Verbal skills: Screaming, yelling, laughing…just generally making noise. He is also testing out volume this month. The louder the better.
    2. Teething: He has 2 teeth **first tooth 9/14/12**! The bottom front teeth are both through the skin now, thank goodness!
    3. Rolling: Yes, both ways and often. He can also spin himself 360 degrees while on his belly.
    4. Crawling: No forward motion yet, but he gets his belly up off the floor and can stick his butt in the air but he hasn’t figured out how to put all the movements together.
    5. Anything else? He sits up really great! He likes to sit on his blanket and play with the play table…or just bang on stuff.
  5. Things he likes: Mostly, his mommy. He also loves his Daddy, his sister, and his puppy. They’re his favorite things. As for toys, he likes his play table, his Nuby teething ring, his keys, and his Baby Einstein little music box. He loves taking walks outside. He has been riding in the stroller without the car seat and seems to really be loving it.
  6. Things he dislikes: Um, there isn’t much that he doesn’t like right now. He’s generally pretty happy as long as he isn’t overtired.
  7. Sleeping: Sleeping has been better since moving him to his crib. We had to rearrange our bedroom to get it in there, but he’s been sleeping much better. He still goes to bed just after 7pm and usually sleeps until 4am. He’ll get up to get changed and eat and then usually goes to sleep (lately in bed with me) until about 7am. He usually takes a short nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon, though some days it depends on what we’re doing. Also, for the last 3 nights, he has put himself to sleep after his bath at night. I’m hoping he keeps up this trend since we’re STILL rocking Clara to sleep at night and she’s almost 2!
  8. Eating: We recently started purees **first purees 9/12/12**. So far he’s had apples, peas, sweet potatoes, and a little carrots. He does really well with the spoon and looks just like a little bird when he’s asking for more food. It’s really cute. Other than that, he’s still breastfeeding about the same amount.
  9. Nicknames: Bubba, the Captain (Clara calls him that, too).
  10. Things we’re looking forward to next month:
  11. How I like motherhood: Some days are hard, but for the most part, I love it. My relationship with Clara has evolved so many times and is once again becoming really fun!
    1. Likes: I love watching the two of them together right now! She loves to help out with him: bringing him toys, his blanket, playing peekaboo with him, etc. And he just loves watching her! He gets the biggest smile on his face when he sees her first thing in the morning.
    2. Dislikes: Not being home more and when I am home, I have homework or housework that keeps me from being able to play with them.
Sitting like a big boy

Big smiles. :)

Playing with Sister.

Ready for football!

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