Today we are full term! That's the good news. Well, not just that. We had a doctor's appointment today and everything still looks good. My weight was great (up only 3lbs to 173), my bp was still good (124/78), Clara sounds great (hr was 125) and I'm still measuring 2 weeks ahead (39 weeks). I got checked again with some hopes of having made progress...only to find out that I'm still closed and thick. That's the sucky part. I did ask the nurse how long he would let me go past my due date and she said 1 or 2 weeks if I want (yeah right, who wants to go that long!), but he would probably strip my membranes next week at our appointment if I wanted to go that route. I know I'll be begging for it at that point. I'm SO done being pregnant!
I took a picture of my foot today at work. Now, I'm not on my feet all day. I sit in a chair at a desk for 9 hours doing nothing more constructive than surfing the internet. After 3 hours my foot looked like this:

I only have 9 more workdays until my maternity leave starts. I'd like to try to make it through those next 9 days, but if I can't stand the pain from the swelling anymore, I'm giving up. My doctor said he'd be more than happy to write me out of work early if that's what would make me feel better. I'm also going to start trying every old wives tale in the book as far as getting labor going! I'd be really excited if something happened over the weekend. :)
So that's about all the news that's fit to print at the moment. Nothing much exciting coming up. We're meeting with Adam's surgeon tomorrow for a follow-up appointment and then this weekend is pretty much a blank slate. I'm going to try to get outside and get some gardening done. I have some things that need to get cut down and we need to take some yard waste to the recycling center, but other than that, not much going on.
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