First off, I'll apologize for not having a picture yet. We got home late last night and I didn't feel like taking one.
Now for the update part. :) We had our 38 week check up yesterday. Everything is still looking good: I'm up just under 4lbs from last week, my bp was great (124/72) and Clara sounded good, even though Dr. V had to chase her around with the doppler (guess I shouldn't have had those Oreos before my appointment!). I'm also still measuring 2 weeks ahead at 40 weeks. After some pretty intense cramping over the week Dr V decided to check me. I was POSITIVE that I had made some progress this time, but NOPE! None what-so-ever!! Talk about frustrating. The only nice thing about that was he asked if I would mind doing a quick ultrasound to make sure she's head-down. Uh, gee, let me think about that....YES!! I love seeing my daughter! And yes, she is in fact head down.
We discussed where we'll be going from here. Which brings me to an observation I made yesterday. I fully believe if my doctor weren't a man, he'd be a midwife. :) He's very against doing c-sections and pretty against inductions for the most part. He did say, though, that if I absolutely can't take it anymore, he'd induce me next week (at 39 weeks) but he believes that if we go that route, I'll end up with a c-section. His advice? Wait it out if I can. That being said, he's not going to let me go past 41 weeks, so we WILL have a baby in 3 weeks or less. We asked a lot of questions yesterday. We all know she's going to be a good sized baby, but as far as her fitting through my pelvis, he said the only way to know for sure is to try. Adam is convinced (and tries to keep me that way, too) that my body is going to do this all by itself. Everything with this pregnancy has gone really well...pretty much by the book. I had little morning sickness, no Group B strep, no gestational diabetes, she's been head-down for the better part of a month now, and my blood pressure has been great. Apparently I'm a great baby-maker and this is why he's going with the assumption that my body will know what to do and when to do it. I hope he's right because I really want to avoid induction and especially a c-section.
Wow, that got long. :) Anyway, there's a full moon tonight. Maybe something will happen.
As far as plans for this weekend, there's not much. Adam's parents may come over tonight to get the supplies for our final landscaping project of the year. If we can get them early enough we'll probably try to get that knocked out and then we're going to dinner with my parents for sure and possibly his. Over the weekend, since it's supposed to rain, we intend to get a lot of house cleaning done. It REALLY needs it and I'd like to get it cleaned up before Clara comes.
Pretty uneventful update, but at least there's somewhat of a plan in place. Our next appointment is October 28 at 4:50.
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