Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was soaring like an eagle!! Ended up more like Icarus.

So, as I've written before, I joined Weight Watchers about 2 weeks ago to FINALLY lose this last 10lbs or so that has been stubbornly hanging on. Last week, at my first "weigh in" (I do Online so I don't attend meetings) I was down 1.2lbs! Not too shabby! I was even more careful this last week because I was trying to save my PointsPlus points for Monday when I would be having delicious food cooked by my MIL, including a rhubarb pie...the first of the season! After all the garbage I ate Monday & Tuesday I thought for sure I would have gained. So I was ASTONISHED, to say the least, when I stepped on the scale this morning before getting dressed to find that I had LOST another one pound!! I have also noticed that while I haven't been losing a lot of weight, I have apparently been losing inches because my Old Navy jeans that I bought in a size 8 not too long ago are big and my belt is on the last notch and still too big! Guess I might have to go jeans shopping! I even got a compliment from a girl at work! This is the "soaring like an eagle" part.

As some of you know we're putting up a fence in our backyard for our puppy. Adam and his dad got us a good deal on the materials. Bonus!! I called Digger's Hotline and WPS was out right away Tuesday morning. Yay! So yesterday we went to City Hall to see what we needed permit-wise and what the rules for building a fence are. We also found out that they had not done the marking for utilities because apparently some squirrel decided to fry himself and it made a lot of work for everyone. Turns out we didn't need a permit and none of the rules were anything we had to worry about....but let's check on easements. *screeching brakes sound* So they pull out the map. Oh look, here's two 6 foot easements. Oh goody. Ok, well not a big deal if there's nothing major in them. Otherwise we'll have to build the fence 6' off our lot line. Have you any idea how much square footage of our yard we'd lose?!?!?!? Anyway, they came to mark the stuff today. Cable-check. No big deal. Yay! Utilities-south side of the yard is fine. Yay! West side-not so much. Now we're waiting on yet another phone call to figure out what to do about it. Number 1 it's hard to deal with this from work. Number 2 I didn't have any idea it would be this big a deal to build a stupid fence!! As ugly as they are I almost wish we had overhead powerlines!

We were going to start working on the fence Friday, but now we're not sure that's going to happen. We're having a meeting of the minds tonight to figure it out. I've already got a major headache from dealing with this and crap at work. Good thing I've got wine at home.

So now all the wax has melted and I'm losing altitude.....

Stupid sun.


  1. Good luck on your fence! I hope all goes well and its not a big deal to dig!

  2. A huge Congratulations on loosing weight and feeling good about it!!!!! You are giving me some much needed motivation, thank you for that!
