Monthly Survey
- How old is baby? 9 months old! (9 months, 2 weeks, 5 days)
- Stats:
- Weight: 22lbs 15 oz (97th percentile)
- Height: 30 inches (95th percentile)
- Clothes size: 9-12 months exclusively. She does fit in some 6 month stuff, but it looks ridiculous. 12 month pants are too short. We'll be moving up to 18 month pants.
- Diaper size: Huggies Size 3, still!
- Hair color: A lot more blonde.
- Anything else? She's getting her first hair cut on Friday, August 26!
- Milestones:
- Teething: She now has 4 teeth with one more for sure coming in on top.
- Talking: Babbles a lot! Making new sounds with her tongue.
- Rolling: Still both ways.
- Walking: Not quite, but getting frustrated about not being able to! Holds onto things and walks around a room.
- Crawling: Yes, and quickly!
- Anything else? She waves hi and bye, she plays Patty Cake, can do "so big", she loves to point at things and have us tell her what they are.
- Things she likes:
- Toys: She enjoys having Daddy build towers out of her blocks and then playing "Godzilla Baby" and knocking them down.
- Books: She has a Baby Einstein Baby Animals book that she loves to look at.
- Songs: None in particular, but she has started dancing when she hears music.
- TV Shows: SuperWhy, Dinosaur Train, and WordWorld, though she doesn't really watch them a lot. She's also getting more interested in Sesame Street. She watches them all for about 5-10 minutes and then moves on to something else.
- Other activities: She loves it when Daddy makes towers for her to knock down. She also likes clearing off flat surfaces. J She had great fun at swimming and got her first completion certificate. We won't be able to do actual classes anymore due to scheduling conflicts, but we'll still take her for open swim. She also had her first trip to the county fair and she really likes going for walks in the stroller.
- Things she dislikes: Diaper changes! It's like changing a tornado.
- Sleeping: Through the night now. Most nights she's down by 9 and sleeps until 7. Napping is still troublesome. Getting her bedtime routine established has seemed to help a lot. Now if we could just figure out how to get her to nap!
- Eating:
- Favorite foods: She isn't a picky eater, but doesn't have one "favorite" food, either.
- Not so favorite foods: Chicken & Stars from Beechnut.
- Nicknames: Godzilla Baby, Peanut
- Things we're looking forward to next month: Daddy's birthday, Auntie Jessi's birthday, and Auntie Stephanie's birthday. Mommy is also taking her first vacation of the year!! Yay!
- How I like motherhood:
- Likes: Everything! I love watching her learn new things. I especially love how chatty she is right now. It's fun to listen to her babbling. J
- Dislikes: Going to work! Our schedule is also really chaotic right now so that's made things even more interesting.
Watching the chicks at the fair
Bird's eye view of the fair from Daddy's shoulders
Watching SuperWhy