Monday, September 26, 2011

Clara says....


We’re expecting our 2nd baby!!

We found out on July 31st (our first wedding anniversary) that we are pregnant. We had originally planned to wait another year when Adam is closer to being finished with school, but I guess we’ll have to make some adjustments. We’re both quite excited. Of course, I’m also terrified because now we’ll have 2 kids under 2 years old! Yikes!! We’re going to have our hands full! I’m due sometime around the beginning of April.

I’ve been doing weekly surveys since I found out I’m expecting. I started at 4 weeks and hope to keep up with it. I didn’t always do it with Clara, but I wish I would have. Then I would have something to look back and compare to. Now that we're "social media" public I'll be posting one every week starting this week.

This pregnancy is very different so far. I was slightly queasy at the very beginning but other than that I felt fine. The only thing that is really different is the horrible insomnia! I’m usually like one of those old dolls that when you lay it down the eyes close. However, since I found out I’m pregnant I haven’t slept very well at all! I’m also starting to get heartburn already! Last time I had it so bad that I had to take Prilosec from 20 weeks on. I’m guessing that right now, judging by timing, this is going to be another girl. We’ve already picked out a girl’s name and we had a boy’s name from last time but now I’m having second thoughts (Adam’s not, though!). I really am hoping it’s another girl so that we don’t have to spend a fortune on new clothes. We’ll have to buy another crib, probably a double stroller, and another high chair but most of the big stuff we already have.

Stay tuned to find out how it’s going!