Monthly Survey
- How old is baby? 10 months, 4 weeks old.
- Stats:
- Weight: 24-ish lbs
- Height: ~31 inches
- Clothes size: 12-18 months for pants. She can still wear some 9 month onesies but mostly 12-18 months for those, too. I also just broke out some 18 month pjs.
- Diaper size: Still size 3 in regular diapers, but going up to size 4 in overnights.
- Hair color: Blonde…maybe even a little strawberry.
- Anything else? HATES SOCKS! I can't keep them on her for more than 5 minutes. J
- Milestones:
- Teething: Ugh, always it seems. 8 teeth now! God have mercy on us when she starts cutting molars!
- Talking: Still babbles. She doesn't really say any words that she knows the meaning of, but she understands A LOT! If you ask her where something is she can point to it (like the dog and the ceiling fan).
- Rolling: Mostly as a means of getting back to sitting after falling down. J
- Walking: YES!! She started walking on 9/24!! She's doing it more and more but still improving every time.
- Crawling: Still the preferred mode of transportation, though walking is getting to be more often.
- Anything else? She came down with her first cold this week. I'd say day 2 was the worst, but she's getting better quickly and yesterday she was back to her same energy level. I'm glad it didn't keep her down too long. The only thing that was difficult was trying to use the bulb-thingy to suck her nose out. She hated it and didn't really realize I was trying to help her. Poor thing. L Oh, and I almost forgot to add, she is now using a sippy! I'm trying to keep the bottles only for naptime/bedtime and it seems to be working really well. She loves water and apple juice. J We give her a sippy with her meals now and it's nice that she can drink what she wants.
- Things she likes:
- Toys: She recently rediscovered her Leap Frog table and has been having fun with that. Otherwise, she mostly has fun just cruising all over the living room.
- Books: She loves books! She has a Fisher Price Little People Farm book that she loves. J
- Songs: Old McDonald Had a Farm…when she gets her diaper changed. It seems to be the only way to keep her from running away naked!
- TV Shows: SuperWhy still. She also likes Dinosaur Train, WordWorld, and Sesame Street (especially anything involving Elmo).
- Other activities: We haven't been swimming in a while. We might have to remedy that. She loves going for walks in the stroller. On Monday afternoon we're going apple picking and on a hayride to get pumpkins-can't wait for that!
- Things she dislikes: WEARING SOCKS! Lol And riding in the car some days. And being told 'No'.
- Sleeping: At night it's pretty good. She still fights naps pretty hard, though.
- Eating:
- Favorite foods: Grilled cheese (she must be a Wisconsin girl) and toast. Crispex cereal. Most kinds of meats.
- Not so favorite foods: Regular potatoes
- Nicknames: Peanut
- Things we're looking forward to next month: Going to Applefest. We've got to keep an eye out on the crafts for a cute "piggy" bank for her brother/sister. We Clara a cute one before she was born that's in the shape of a sheep.
- How I like motherhood:
- Likes: I love watching her learn new things! Watching her walk is fun because she's got it down, but sometimes she gets really excited and forgets what she's doing. J It's adorable.
- Dislikes: Being pregnant while chasing Clara around. It's exhausting to say the least and I don't like that I lose my patience with her so easily. I feel like a lousy Mom some days. I know it's just hormones, but it doesn't make it any easier, especially considering that for the most part I've felt good physically. I'm not sure what's going to happen when I really get big and don't get as much sleep as I'm used to. L
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