Friday, June 22, 2012

Weight loss/fitness updates

I haven't really updated about my post-baby weight loss in a while so I thought I'd take a few minutes and do that...since I'm actually feeling rather motivated these days.

Firstly, on weight loss, I have lost about 30lbs since having Sam  almost 3 months ago. I have about 3lbs left until I hit my goal weight and about 5 more until I hit my pre-pregnancy weight. Since re-starting Weight Watchers I have lost a total of 13.6lbs and haven't had more than 1 or 2 weeks that I've gained. I don't even find myself needing to track points anymore. I'm really trying to be very conscious of serving/portion size and snacking. My biggest obstacles are snacking when I'm bored and not actually hungry, and making poor food choices. With any luck, I should be down to my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of July which, coincidentally, is the same time I found out I was pregnant with Sam and also our 2nd wedding anniversary!

Secondly, I have decided that since I'm done having babies (at least for a little while) that it's time to get my poor battered body back into shape. My mid-section really took a beating after 2 kids and I hate the way it looks. I've always had body image issues and this is certainly not helping (especially the other night when I looked at my reflection in my truck window while pumping gas and I looked like I was still pregnant). Unfortunately, time is not my friend.  I have next to no time for myself that doesn't involve things like housekeeping and wrangling children. I'm trying to take them for walks on my days off. We did 2 miles the other day. But I'm also trying to get to the gym. Right now I can realistically only manage about 1 day a week. So, since I don't feel like that's enough but can't really spare the 1-2 hours I need to get there more than onced a week, I've decided to try some workout videos that I can do at home either in the morning before the kids are up or once they go to bed. My friends are lending me a few (Hip Hop Abs and 10  Minute Trainer) and I'm looking forward to starting them!

So those are my big updates. I am dieting, but I'm not really depriving myself. If I feel like having ice cream, I have ice cream. If I want to have McDonalds or some other fast food, I do. I just try to be smart about it and not do it every day. I'm really going to try to make this work because I think it'll end up being really good for me in the long run. It's time to myself; time to unwind and enjoy the silence, and to try to get just a little piece of my sanity back...even if it's only one  day a week. :)

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