Friday, May 25, 2012

Sam's 2 month survey!

Monthly Survey

1.       How old is baby? 2 months

2.       Doctor’s appointments?: We just had one on May 25th.

3.       Stats:

a.       Weight: 11lbs 12oz (75%)

b.      Height: 23.5" (97%)

c.       Clothes size: Out of NB stuff now-mostly in 0-3 month clothes. He's wearing some 3 month clothes, like rompers.

d.      Diaper size: Out of NB size and into 1's!

e.      Hair color: Brown, but it looks like there's blond coming in behind it.

f.        Anything else? His eyes seem to be getting lighter blue.

4.       Milestones:

a.       Verbal skills: I think he's finding his voice. He'll "goo" at the curtains next to the changing table once in a while, or in his high chair at the dining room table while we're eating.

b.      Rolling: He almost has, but not on purpose. He just gets frustrated when he's doing tummy time. He is rolling onto his side from his back, though.

c.       Crawling: He can push up with his elbows to look around but no forward movement.

d.      Anything else? He has awesome head control...pretty much has from day one. We've had a few social smiles, but most are still spontaneous. He smiles a lot throughout the day, though.

5.       Things he likes: He loves to be held. I got a Moby wrap for Mother's day and he likes spending time in it. He has fallen asleep a few times while we've been outside. He really likes his play mat. He loves to lay on it and play with the toys.

6.       Things he dislikes: Not a big fan of tummy time, but I still try to get him to do some during the day.

7.       Sleeping: He's awake more during the day. I try to get him down for a mid-morning nap and then a nap around lunchtime (that one usually lasts quite a long time). He usually dozes throughout the evening and I put him to "bed" around 8-9pm. He will usually go about 3 hours between feeds during the night. He slept one 6-hour stretch, too (5/24/12)!

8.       Eating: He's taking 4-5oz of breast milk per feeding when we bottle feed him. If I nurse, he likes to cluster feed in the mornings until around lunch time.

9.       Nicknames: Bubba, Sam I Am, Mr. Sam, Captain Crankypants, Shortbeard

10.   Things we’re looking forward to next month: Father's Day, and some warmer weather! Maybe even a trip to the NEW Zoo. 

6 weeks old!

First time in the Moby

Working out the neck muscles

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