Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back to the grind....

Well, today is my first day back to work. I've been in for an hour and it already feels like an eternity. I had a rough night last night...mostly due to poor time management in getting all of my stuff organized and ready for today. I also had a hard time falling asleep (which never happens these days) and then I woke up at 2am with a nightmare and Sam woke up at 3 for a feeding. My alarm goes off at 4:15. Yep, not a great night.

I've also had to call IT twice since I got here because I forgot my password. Holy man...is it 3:00 yet? I've got about 5 more hours of doing nothing before I have to be anywhere, too.

It sounds like I'll be getting everything done a lot sooner than expected. I'm not sure what that means in terms of being able to pump while I'm here, but I guess I'll just have to keep on keeping on until then. It's strange because when I came back to work after having Clara I HATED my pump and hated being tied to it. Now it almost makes me sad to think that I won't be able to pump milk for Sam. Maybe because it also means if I stop pumping I'll likely stop nursing, too, and that thought makes me want to cry. I love nursing him. I love the snuggles and I love being able to hold him close.

Crap...no more talk like that or I'll be crying before lunch! It's about time for me to go pump anyway. I'm hoping the rest of the day goes fairly quickly and I don't have run-ins with too many people I don't like. :-) I'll try to do my Two under Tuesday post today, though I likely won't have a picture from this week.

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