Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Two Under Tuesday

Two Under Tuesday Survey
1.       How old are they?
a.       Sam: 1 month, 1 week and 1 day old
b.      Clara: 1 year, 6 months and 6 days old
2.       What activities are going on this week? Monday we had Clara's story time. It was really fun to watch her! Tuesday I had both kids all day while Adam was in school. Mom & I walked down to the school to vote. Wednesday Clara goes by Mimi's for a couple hours to give me a break while Adam's at school. Thursday is the same as Wednesday, except that when Adam comes home I'm going out to dinner with my friend Mel (AH, FINALLY SOME ADULT TIME!!). The rest of the weekend we have no formal plans, but I'd like to get my garden planted!
3.       What are the challenges we are dealing with this week? The big one today was naps. I can't get them both to nap at the same time-which wouldn't be a problem except if Sam is awake and crying I can't get Clara to take a nap by rocking her. Occasionally I can put her down in her crib while she's awake and she'll fall asleep, but more often she needs to be rocked to sleep and I can't do that when Sam's crying. I try to get him down for a nap around lunch time so that he's sound asleep by the time I need to put Clara down, but that didn't happen today for whatever reason.
4.       Any major milestones reached this week?
a.       Sam: No major milestones this week.
b.      Clara: She's picking up more and more letters.
5.       How are you feeling about having 2u2 at this point?
a.       Likes: Watching Clara with her brother. She has started coming over to him and giving him kisses when he cries. She likes to rock his swing, too...sometimes a little hard!
b.      Dislikes: Trying to get this napping thing figured out and sometimes I feel like I let Clara watch way too much TV during the day. Sam likes to cluster-feed in the mornings so it's hard for me to spend the time with Clara that I'd like to. I'm getting a Moby wrap and I'm hoping that will help.
6.       Any tips or tricks to share? I wish I had some this week. I'm really struggling. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm starting to get a little burned out. I'm hoping that dinner out will help recharge my batteries a little....if I can get to talking about something other than the kids!


Sleeping in the bouncy chair at Grandma's during dinner

Holding cousin Brayden for the first time

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