Our wedding day!
July 31st, 2010 I woke up to pouring rain. Not what one would want to see on their wedding day, especially when the wedding is to take place outdoors! I knew there was a chance of rain, but really hoped it would hold off. No such luck. It did eventually stop raining in the morning so I was optimistic. I kept checking the radar in hopes that the sun would come out and all would be saved.
At noon I went to get my hair done. I think I was in the salon for about 40 minutes and when I came out....you guessed it. It was misting again. But I've heard that rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good luck.
My SIL Jessi picked me up at 1:30 and it was done misting. We got to Mom & Dad's around 2:15. I took a quick walk-around outside to see how wet it was and if we wanted to move the ceremony indoors (not bloody likely). The grass was dry, for the most part, so I gave the go-ahead to set everything up outside. I was really keeping my fingers crossed that I wouldn't regret this decision later. Adam got to the house around 3. I banished myself to the lower level so he wouldn't see me before the ceremony. Stacy was awesome and took lots of pictures of Mom pinning flowers on everyone. I was pretty jealous of everyone being able to socialize while I was stuck downstairs. :(
Finally, it was time to come upstairs. Adam had everyone seated and Stacy was taking care of the music. Right at 4pm we started the ceremony. I was so nervous! But really, just excited to become Adam's wife. I walked out, and all I saw was his 3000 watt grin. I met him at the front of the aisle and the ceremony began. Pastor Jeff did a fantastic job. There was just enough serious and just enough humor to make it really enjoyable. I managed, somehow, not to cry during the ceremony! I was surprised! I almost lost it during our vows, but Adam kept me strong.
Pictures were a pain in the butt...mostly because the mosquitoes were trying to eat us alive! It was terrible, but Katie assured me that she could photoshop out all the red welts on my back. :) She did a fantastic job. Both Adam and I are very anxiously awaiting the pictures to come back! The nice thing about Katie? With her wedding packages she also offers 50% off a maternity photo shoot! I think we'll be taking advantage of that, especially if our wedding pictures turn out as well as we think they're going to.
After pictures were done, we ate dinner. The food was great! We had chicken from the Rendezvous, and Grandma Mueller was well represented by Stephanie, as she seems to be the only one to perfect Gradma's layered Jello. I think it was Grandma's way of being at our wedding. We were also very sad that Grandpa Mueller couldn't make it. He ended up in the hospital, but is on the mend and should hopefully be home today. We'd rather have him miss the ceremony and get well than come to the ceremony and take a turn for the worse. We'll get together with him when we get the pictures back so he can see everything.
Once dinner was done, we did the Scooter exchange in Green Bay. Shaun said Scooter was a great boy and got along with Princess (their dog) and Kaden (their son) very well! Scooter then went home with my parents and Adam and I headed to Appleton to check into our hotel and meet up with our friends. Even though it was a small gathering of friends and not as many people showed up as we had hoped, it was still a good time. We left Old Town around 12:30 and crashed...HARD! We were both exhausted, but extremely happy.
Everyone was so concerned that I was being jipped out of my "big white wedding," but, as I told my new husband, I wouldn't have traded Saturday's small, intimate ceremony for anything in the world. The people I loved most were there to support us and all that matters in the end is that Adam and I are committed to each other for the rest of our lives.
I'll be posting pictures when I get more back from Katie, but the sneak previews I've gotten so far are amazing! The only thing I wish I could change? The fact that we're not on a honeymoon right now. Yep, I'm back to work already. Fun stuff. Oh well. The important thing is that we love each other!!
We want to thank everyone who was a part of our very special day: Our parents (especially The Muellers, who hosted the event), our siblings, Grandma Ruby for the money to get our marriage license, and all of our friends who came to celebrate with us afterward. We couldn't have done it without the love and support of you guys. :)