So today marks 27 weeks of pregnancy. By many sources this is considered the beginning of the 3rd trimester....the home stretch!
So what's new? As far as symptoms go, the only really noticeable one is my fatigue is starting to come back. I find myself having a harder time getting up in the morning (though that could be from the 1-3 trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night) and I feel like taking a nap in the afternoon. I'm also getting much hungrier and finding that I have less room for food. I've also been thinking about getting in to see the chiropractor more than once a month. I feel like I'm starting to need more adjustments.
According to babycenter.com, this week Clara might weigh 2lbs and be about 14 1/2 inches long. She is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and maybe even sucking on her fingers. What I can tell you is that she's often a very active baby, and today I may have even felt a foot! All I know is it was something pointy and it was up by my ribcage! It honestly grossed me out a little bit, but I'm chalking that up to it being the first time.
Coming up: Saturday we have our family reunion. This will be the first reunion since my brother married his wife Jessica and I married Adam. It probably won't be any different, but I thought it was neat anyway. Sunday is our church picnic. Next week Thursday we go see Dr. V again. I also have my gestational diabetes test that day and on Friday we'll be seeing our precious girl again via ultrasound for a quick check up. I'm going to see if the tech will give us a quick measurement, since I measured a week ahead last time I was in (at 24 weeks).
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