So today I am 34 weeks. Yesterday I had my 34 week appointment. I still can't believe that Clara is going to be here soon! I have 6 weeks left until my due date. Out of curiosity (morbid or otherwise) I asked Dr. V how much he though she might weigh right now. He told me he thinks she weighs around 6 lbs right now! At this point in the pregnancy, the baby is likely to gain around 1/2 lb per week. If those calculations are correct, this could end up being a 9lb baby by my due date! The nurses at our last baby class last night said they didn't think I'd go til my due date, though. To be honest, I hope I don't either! I'm shooting for 37-38 weeks...*fingers crossed*.
As far as the doctor's appointment goes, everything is still looking really good. My bp was 104/80, my weight was 165, and Clara sounded really well on the doppler. My uterus is now measuring 2 weeks ahead, so we'll be keeping a closer eye on that. Dr. V said that if it gets to be 3 or more weeks we may go for a growth ultrasound to make sure she'll still fit! Our next appointment is scheduled for October 6, which will be 36 weeks (35w6d).
Which brings me to my next update. Adam is going to be having more surgery. Right now they're just going to do a diagnostic arthroscopy. It shouldn't be a big deal...other than the fact that I'll be 36 weeks pregnant! But I'll be at a hospital and I'm bringing his mom (and the car seat and my hospital bags!) along with me just in case. It is scheduled for October 7. This is a new doctor who will be doing the surgery. We gave up on waiting for the VA to take responsibility to fix him so we've sought the help of The Kennedy Center for the Hip & Knee at Mercy Hospital in Oshkosh. Apparently this is a very prestigious place because it took a month just to get a consult and another month to get the surgery scheduled. We'll know more after the scope, but for now we just have to wait and see what Dr. Tsai says.
I only posted 2 of my maternity pics (because I'm writing this at work and for whatever reason didn't upload them to Tinypic so I could add more to the blog). They were taken last Friday at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary. It was beautiful! And our wonderful photographer, Katie (http://www.ksphotographygb.com/), did an awesome job as usual. I'll try to post some more-maybe on my website. Adam and I couldn't be happier with how they turned out! We're all looking forward to doing newborn pictures. :)
Friday we'll be going to Appleton for another Eli Mattson concert. He'll be playing at Octoberfest. We're also going to stop in at Babies R Us and pick up our swing. My parents are picking up Clara's dresser on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to getting it put together and getting all of her clothes organized!! Pretty much all we need now is the baby and the room will be complete!
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