Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just to let everyone know, I'm still alive! Mama G was out of town the last week or so therefore we haven't had any Toddle Along Tuesday posts. I'm hoping we can get back to that soon!

I'm in the process of putting together my final Citizen's Academy post but I need to find some time to get the pictures off the disc at home so I can put it all together. I'm hoping I'll have some time Saturday morning.

Other than that, things are going well. We're preparing for the snow! We got what we hope to be the last of the leaves raked out of the front yard and the Halloween decorations put away. We still need to clean out the gutters and put up the Christmas lights. It's been really cold the last couple days. Hopefully this weekend or next we'll be able to get out and do that.

I've also started Christmas shopping! I'm working very hard to compile my lists, both for people to buy for and for my own Christmas lists.

I'm looking forward to next week! I only have 3 days of work and then a 4-day weekend for Thanksgiving. We'll be making the annual trip to Appleton to celebrate with my family. It'll be the first Thanksgiving with Clara actually being able to eat with everyone...which prompted us to realize we need some sort of compact travel-type high chair. We'll be getting a clamp-on one. They're small, fold up easily, and can be used for quite a while. I've also got a handy dandy coupon for 20% an item at Babies R Us so that helps, too. We'll be picking it up on Friday when we go to Green Bay for our elective ultrasound and our big movie date to see Breaking Dawn Part 1!! I'm going to be buying our tickets later today! I can't wait!

The only crappy thing is that I've somehow caught a cold. I'm hoping I caught it soon enough...I took some extra Vitamin C this morning and will be keeping up with the Tylenol Cold in order to not feel so run down and hopefully make a quick recovery. No one wants to have a stuffy nose for Thanksgiving!

Stay tuned for more updates later this week and hopefully my gigantic Citizen's Academy finale post!

I want to give a shout out to my friend Eric and wish him a speedy recovery from his 3rd stem cell transplant, which he'll be finishing up today at Froedert Hospital. Here's a link to his latest article in the news. There's also a link to his blog located on the side of my page.

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