So, this is me attempting to get more stuff up here. :)
Let's see...what have we been up to?
School-wise, I'm almost finished with the Spring semester. I'm going to try to finish up one of my classes this week, with the exception of the final exam which won't open until next week. Hopefully that will allow me the time I need to try to get my grade up in my other class, which I'm kind of on the verge of not passing. I'm registered for 2 classes this summer...I just hope it's not going to be too much! We have a lot of things we want to do this summer.
Adam is working on getting his Certified Personal Trainer certification and has been accepted to UW LaCrosse for his BS in Health & Wellness Management. He'll be starting that this fall and it's online.
Work-wise, there hasn't been any further information on how long I'll have a job. I've been looking around for something else, but the pickings are rather slim. And with mine being the only paycheck right now, I can't afford to take an enormous pay-cut. I'm hoping we'll get more information next month and that we won't have to wait until the end of June to find anything new out.
Fitness-wise, I've been back at the Y now for a couple weeks. I've been taking a Pilates class and a Yoga class once a week. I ended up liking Pilates so much that I bought a DVD so I can do it at home. The great thing about the DVD I got is that it is 5 different 10-minute workouts. You can make a playlist and do as many or as few as you like in whatever order you choose. I've been just doing 2 sections every night for the last 2 nights and I hope I'll start seeing results faster. I'm gaining weight again, but some of that is probably muscle. We've been trying to walk after supper every night, but the weather has been less than cooperative. It doesn't seem to want to decide if it is winter or spring...60 one day and snowing the next.
At home, we've been working on remodeling our basement with the goal of moving our "office" down there and making the rest of the room into a playroom for the kids. The living room has gotten too small for all of the kids' toys and it would be nice to have more space for them to play. We're then going to turn our former office into Sam's bedroom. It's beyond time for him to be in his own room. I'm tired of tip-toeing around after he goes to bed or not being able to go in there while he's napping. Plus, with the office downstairs, Adam can play computer games at night without being afraid to wake the kids up. So, on the list of things to do: replace the floor in the hallway, bathroom, possiblty the kitchen, and office, paint the office, finish doing whatever we're doing to the bathroom, insulate and drywall the basement, paint the basement, put down the foam mat flooring in the play area, and I'm also looking into possibly doing the roof. Good thing I'm getting a bunch of money in June! We're also looking at possibly replacing the kitchen cabinets and countertops, but we'll have to see how much we can get done this summer.
Our plans for this summer as far as fun things go, we have a few things planned already. In May, Adam and I are going to Madison to see the Dalai Lama. He's also going fishing the last weekend in May, also down in Madison, so I thought the kids and I would also go down and maybe we'd visit the zoo. In June I have off for a week and on the Friday before Father's Day, we're going to the National Railroad Museum to see Thoms the Tank Engine. In July we plan to go to the Dells for 3 days. There are lot of things to check out there. In the past I've always gone as an adult (mostly, anyway) so it'll be neat to do things for the littles. :) Other than those things, we're going to try to squeeze in some camping (a first), more trips to different zoos (the NEW Zoo and the Milwaukee Zoo), and some trips to the Green Bay Children's Museum.
So anyway, I know it's a lot. We've been really busy with work and school, the kids, and other things that are going on in our extended families. I really want to try to get better with this! Also, I'm part of another blog, too...I added a link to the side. It's called Between Naps. Go check it out. :)