Wednesday, April 11, 2012

16-month survey...Finally!

**This survey is being published late due to the birth of Baby Sam on 3/31!**

Monthly Survey

1.       How old? 16 months.

2.       Stats:

a.       Weight: About 27lbs.

b.      Height: 34 inches

c.       Clothes size: 18 months-2T for tops. 2T for pants and pajamas. Still 5’s for shoes, though we bought some 6’s.

d.      Diaper size: 5’s in both Huggies regular and Overnights.

e.      Hair color: Less strawberry blond and more just blond.

f.        Anything else? She got her first “real” hair cut on 3/16. She’s had her bangs trimmed but never a real hair cut. It looks really nice now that everything is even. We need to start training her hair to grow a certain way, though, which is hard when she keeps ripping the clips out 30 seconds after I get them in!

3.       Milestones:

a.       Teething: She has 16 currently and is currently working on cutting her 2-year molars. God help us!

b.      Talking: Oh yes! She’s starting to shake her head when she says “no”, too. I also think she has figured out the proper use of the word “no”. She has more than 20 words now.

c.       Other communication: She can identify: fingers, toes, head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and belly button. She can also identify family members (if you ask her to point to someone, she can). Also, if you ask her where Baby Sam is she points to my belly. She can give hugs and kisses when asked, blow kisses, clap, and wave. **Since having Sam she has figured out that he’s no longer in my belly. If you ask her where Sam is she points to him and says “baby”.

d.      Walking: Walking, running, spinning in circles, walking backwards, you name it! She’s better with holding hands, but it still needs a lot of work.

e.      Anything else? We turned her car seat around. She’s now front-facing. It’s hard to tell if she likes it any better than rear-facing but so far we haven’t had any issues, either. We need to work on putting things away. She’ll do it once in a while, but we need some more work. She can use a spoon pretty well. She still gets a little frustrated with it, though. She is starting to help with more things (she helped unpack groceries and tried wiping up Grandma’s kitchen floor and she sometimes will put her shoes away if you ask her to).

4.       Things she likes:

a.       Toys: She’s having a great time with puzzles! I need to get some more!

b.      Books: She doesn’t have AS much of an interest in books lately, but she still loves to look at them…especially in the car. Hop on Pop has recently made the list of favorites again.

c.       Songs: Still digging Itsy Bitsy Spider. Ba Ba Black Sheep is a recent hit, too, and Old McDonald since she knows so many animals now!

d.      TV Shows: She’s really into the Wiggles right now. I think she likes the dancing and music.

e.      Other activities: I’d like to start taking her to the park once it warms up. I’m hoping once I’m back on my feet a little that the 2 kids and I can start taking walks when the weather’s nice. She’s also still doing story time at the library with Grandma. We took our first trip to the zoo for the year on Sunday (3/11). The weather was gorgeous and Clara had so much more fun than last time! She loved watching the monkeys. The lions were really close to the side of their pen so she could see them really well, too! She’s still not so sure about sheep/goats. She’s ok with them if they’re far away, but if they’re close she gets scared. She’s also in love with being outside! She goes outside everyday when she’s by Mimi’s and we’ve had her out in the back yard for about 30 minutes a couple times a day on the weekends. Sometimes she doesn’t do anything but laugh at the dog running around, but at least its fresh air.

5.       Things she dislikes: Being told “no.”

6.       Sleeping: Still about the same as last month. She naps 1-3 hours after lunch every day and 12 hours or so at night-sometimes less depending on when Adam needs to leave for school. **We’ve been having a hard time getting her into her bed for naps and bed. I’m hoping it’s just her teeth.

7.       Eating: For the most part she isn’t a picky eater, but she does have days when she won’t eat anything you want her to.

a.       Favorite foods: Eggs with ham, yogurt, grapes, and beets.

b.      Not so favorite foods: potatoes and peaches.

8.       Nicknames: Magwai and “Buns”.

9.       Things we’re looking forward to next month: Baby Sam should be here!

10.   How I like motherhood:It’s still the greatest adventure, ever! There are days where I’d like to rip my hair out, but for the most part it’s great!

a.       Likes: I love to see how quickly she’s saying new words! It almost seems like she picks up multiple words in a day!

b.      Dislikes: Right now I dislike not having the energy to keep up with her. I know that’s not a permanent thing, but it’s still rather frustrating. I’d like to be able to take her back to swimming or get her into a tumbling class, but right now I’m physically incapable of doing so…at least by myself. It might be easier after Sam is born because of Adam’s school schedule (he’s done by 3 most days), though.

Daddy, Clara, and Goldie playing outside on my birthday.

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