Monday, October 31, 2011

11-month Survey

Almost missed it again this month! Too much birthday party planning, I guess!

Monthly Survey

1. How old is baby? 11 months, 4 weeks, 1 day

2. Stats:

  • a. Weight: around 25lbs.
  • b. Height: about 30-31 inches.
  • c. Clothes size: Pretty much 12 months or larger exclusively. Pants and pajamas are 12 or 18 months depending on brand.
  • d. Diaper size: Huggies size 4 for both regular and Overnights.
  • e. Hair color: Still blonde, though it looks a little reddish sometimes.

  • f. Anything else? She has her 12-month well-baby check-up on 11/9.

3. Milestones:

  • a. Teething: She has 8 teeth total. I felt the top of one molar come through the skin, the rest are still under, but coming through soon!
  • b. Talking: She constantly babbles and likes it when we repeat back what she said.
  • c. Rolling: Yes, but not as a mode of transport. Mostly as a form of play.
  • d. Walking: EVERYWHERE! She even likes it when she can walk while we’re out visiting places like the store or the zoo.
  • e. Crawling: Sometimes, but not as much.
  • f. Anything else? She now stands up on her own in the middle of the room. She also breaks into dance sometimes when she hears music. We might be buying Happy Feet 2 for just that reason!!

4. Things she likes:

  • a. Toys: She’s starting to get into more complex toys, like putting the coins in her piggy bank and playing with her nesting cups. But mostly she just likes to walk around.
  • b. Books: We want to start reading to her and the “bimb” every night before bed. We read to her when she was an inside baby so we’d like her to join in when we read to the new baby.
  • c. Songs: She just likes music in general.
  • d. TV Shows: Same shows.
  • e. Other activities: She LOVES looking at pictures and has figured out that cell phones have lots of pictures on them. She gets angry if you’re using a cell phone and NOT showing her pictures!

5. Things she dislikes: Not being allowed to walk, taking naps, and being told ‘no.’

6. Sleeping: At night is still good. She is now officially down to 1 nap per day, though it varies for time (either in the morning or afternoon, but not consistently either).

7. Eating: She had Spaghettios for the first time the other day and liked it. It won’t be an everyday meal, but it’s nice and quick if we need it to be.

  • a. Favorite foods: Oatmeal & fruit for breakfast, any kind of bread, brats, and veggies.
  • b. Not so favorite foods: regular potatoes

8. Nicknames: Nothing new this month.

9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: HER 1-YEAR BIRTHDAY! She is having both of her birthday parties and her 1-year photo shoot with Katie (Nov 3), and her first visit to the dentist (she’ll be sitting on my lap watching while I get my teeth cleaned). She’ll also have her second Thanksgiving and we’ll be finding out for sure if she’ll have a little brother or a little sister. Lots to look forward to next month!

10. How I like motherhood: I love it. It’s hard but the rewards are so awesome. She makes me laugh every day.

  • a. Likes: Getting her out of bed in the morning. She always has the biggest smile and a wave for me. :) Also, when I come home from work. She squeals with delight and rushes over to greet me.
  • b. Dislikes: Being tired or cranky from being pregnant.

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