Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday-Toddling!

I decided this week to jump along with Toddle Along Tuesday with Mama G at Growing Up Geeky. The topic this week is “Something you love about your kid(s).”

The newest thing I love about my kid is that she’s now officially a toddler! She loves to walk. She doesn’t even need a place to go-she just loves to walk all over the place. One of the most shocking things to me is that she’s only been walking for a little over 2 weeks and already she’s a pro! She can even walk with shoes on! We’ve been putting socks and shoes on here whenever we go out someplace so that she can walk around if she wants to without getting her feet dirty. Normally, this girl HATES wearing socks or shoes and usually has them off of her feet before we’ve even backed out of the driveway. I wonder if she understands that if she leaves them on, we’ll let her down to walk?


Here’s a picture of her standing…I had to be quick with the camera-I set her down to take a picture and she wanted to run after me!


  1. She's a cutie! New follower from TAT.


  2. She's so cute! I can't wait for my youngest to start walking.

    I found your blog from TAT :)

  3. She is so cute! Congrats on your next one as well. Following from tat. Would love the follow at www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com. Have a great day!

  4. Thanks for the nice comments! Do you mind double checking you are following via gfc as I don't see you.txs:)

  5. Hopped over from Growing up Geeky
    what a sweet little one. I love the wobble-toddle
