Tuesday, January 3, 2012

13 month survey-better late than never!

Better late than never, since she's 14 months old now, but here it is!

Monthly Survey

1. How old is baby? 13 months.

2. Stats:
  • a. Weight:  I think around 25lbs still.
  • b. Height:  30-31 inches
  • c. Clothes size: Exclusively 18 months or larger. I’ve packed away pretty much everything else. Shoe size is now a 5. 
  • d. Diaper size: Still 4’s in both regular and Overnight diapers. 
  • e. Hair color: Less strawberry and more just blonde. And boy is it getting long! 
  • f. Anything else? 
3. Milestones:
  • a. Teething: As of right now she has 11 teeth. We’re still waiting on one molar to come through yet. They’re taking their sweet time. She’s also starting to cut her canines. It looks like the lower right will be the first one. 
  • b. Talking: She’s still babbling constantly. She still doesn’t say a whole lot, but she knows a lot of words! She also started a new sound-almost sounds like “no”.  
  • c. Rolling: No more rolling. She’s way too impatient for that! 
  • d. Walking: She now knows how to run and is getting better at it each day. She also walks backwards and can “twirl” (turn in a circle). 
  • e. Crawling: Not really crawling anymore, either. It’s too slow for her. :) 
  • f. Anything else? She knows a lot of different animals, she can point to the baby, the cat, and the big sister in her Big Sister book, she will wiggle (or wave) her fingers, point to her toes, and her nose and mouth when asked. She even knows which books are which if you tell her to bring a specific one. She can point to Mama and Dada in pictures, as well as Mimi and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa. She knows how her clothes go on and come off (makes getting dressed and undressed a lot easier!). She also knows how to give hugs and kisses if asked (ex: hugging or kissing stuffed animals) but she’ll only give us kisses when she feels like it. :) She also knows lots of different animals (monkey, giraffe, bird, kitty, etc.) She also makes a cow sound, though it's not really the actual "mooo" sound, it's pretty close. :)

4. Things she likes:
  • a. Toys: She doesn’t really have a favorite right now. I’m actually going to be packing away some of her more “baby” toys to make room for the bigger ones she got for Christmas. I just need to get some more totes. 
  • b. Books: She loves ALL her books! She even quit trying to unwrap presents at Christmas and went looking for books instead. I promise I’ll put that one in here! Lol She even reads books in the car. It’s funny to be driving knowing that she’s looking at a book and to hear her giggling in the back seat.
  • c. Songs: I don’t really sing to her much, but Mimi does.
  • d. TV Shows: She still loves everything on Sprout-especially Sesame Street. 
  • e. Other activities: We had been going back to the Y for swimming, but now with Adam being out of commission we’ve stopped again. It’s just too hard for me to take her by myself. I’m hoping by February that we’ll be back again-and that all 3 of us will benefit from it!

5. Things she dislikes: Taking naps sometimes and being told to sit down in the tub.

6. Sleeping: The sleeping had been difficult at the beginning of the month. She was going down hard and waking up at least once in the middle of the night, but in the last 2 weeks it has gotten a lot better. There’s been more going on and she’s been going down a lot easier as well as sleeping through the night again. Let’s hope that keeps up! Her naps have also regulated as well. Since she’s spending so much time at Mimi’s house, she’s actually gotten Clara on a good nap schedule. She goes down for a nap right after lunch and will usually sleep for 2 hours!

7. Eating:
  • a. Favorite foods: She’s loving the peanut butter that we just introduced. She also still loves fruits and most veggies. I just gave her fresh pineapple and she really loved that. She’ll also eat food right off my or Mimi’s fork or spoon. One of her most favorite things for breakfast is ham and eggs. The other day she ate almost 2 whole eggs with ham! One of her favorite things to snack on are the Gerber Fruit & Veggie melts. She seriously would eat the whole bag if we’d let her. I’m not going to lie, I tried one and they’re actually really good. :) She’s also in love with yogurt. 
  • b. Not so favorite foods: She still does not like regular potatoes.

8. Nicknames: No new nicknames…at least none that I recall.

9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: Adam and I both have appointments, but other than that, we’re just looking forward to him getting healthy so he can play with Clara like he used to. I think she misses it, too.

10. How I like motherhood: It’s probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced-especially being pregnant while having a child this young. But it is totally worth it. I love to see her grow and learn new things. I wish I knew what went on in her little mind sometimes. :)

  • a. Likes: I love having time to myself when she’s at one of the grandparents’ houses… 
  • b. Dislikes: …but I hate when she’s gone for more than a day. I miss her terribly.


Christmas Day at our house

Enjoying the new chair Mimi made for her!

I don't know why she was crawling into the gift bags, but it was hilarious!

She'd rather read than open presents!

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