Monthly Survey
1. How old is baby? 14 months
2. Stats:
- a. Weight: about 26lbs
- b. Height: about 32”
- c. Clothes size: 18 months – 2T (larger sizes mostly for pants and pjs); also, some 12-month shirts/onesies still fit, but probably not for much longer. She’s also in size 5 shoes but may be going up a size soon.
- d. Diaper size: Transitioning between 4’s and 5’s in Huggies
- e. Hair color: Still about the same…maybe more blonde and getting really long!
- f. Anything else?
- a. Teething: She now has 13 teeth. 4 top and 4 bottom in the front, 4 molars (the last one FINALLY broke the skin!) and one canine (lower left). I think the lower right canine is on the move.
- b. Talking: Still mostly babbling, but making lots of new sounds, too. She can do a “moo” sound for a cow, a “sss” sound for a snake, and a growling sound for a lion. She also likes to say “Ooooh!” Oh, and I think her first official word is “No”.
- c. Rolling: Only while wrestling with the dog.
- d. Walking: Walking and running. She doesn’t even use her arms for balance anymore.
- e. Crawling: A little, but only from toy to toy in the living room.
- f. Anything else? We’re in the midst of her 2nd-ever cold. I’m taking her to the pediatrician today to get her checked out. She’s very snotty, has a fever, and has a bad cough that sounds very phlegmy (she ended up with a double ear infection). She’s starting to follow simple commands pretty well (Bring it to Mommy/Daddy, go put it away, following someone, etc.) and she’s picking up more and more words. She has also started climbing. She can get into both the recliners and up onto the couch. She also knows how to get down appropriately, too.
- a. Toys: She likes her Elefun Ball Popper…though mostly she likes to stick her face over the blower and giggle. She also has a wooden puzzle with shapes that she’s really getting good at!
- b. Books: Any kind of peek-a-boo books are her favorite. Otherwise books in general are very entertaining for her.
- c. Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider is a big hit right now. She even does the hand motions. :)
- d. TV Shows: Anything on Sprout.
- e. Other activities: She loves to be outside. When the weather’s nice she’s outside playing or in the woods with Mimi and Papa. I can’t wait til it gets nicer here. I wish there was more to do with her indoors.
5. Things she dislikes: Taking breaks from playing to get her diaper changed.
6. Sleeping: We have started watering her bottles down (she gets a bottle before naps and bed) in the attempt to get her off of the bottle completely. She has been going to bed fairly easily most nights and sleeps 12 or more hours every night. Naps, on the other hand…she had been taking a consistent nap after lunch every day and would sleep anywhere from 1-2 hours. But since she got her cold it hasn’t been so good. She went 2 days without any nap at all and her sleep at night has been broken at best. She wakes often due to her cough.
7. Eating:
- a. Favorite foods: I would say yogurt is on the top of the list. She also likes PB&J sandwiches, grilled cheese, waffles, and French toast. Eggs & Ham are still a favorite stand-by, too.
- b. Not so favorite foods: She’s been turning her nose up at chicken lately. I’m not sure if it’s due to her cold or if she’s had too much of it lately. We’ll keep trying.
8. Nicknames: As far as I can recall, there’s been no new additions, though I’ve been hearing Magwai recently and I smile when I do. :)
9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: Auntie Jessica’s baby shower, possibly going to the Musky show with Daddy, celebrating Uncle Kenny’s, Grandpa A’s, and Great-Uncle Carl’s birthdays. Also, she has her 15-month check-up and we’re hoping Daddy is off his crutches by then!
10. How I like motherhood: I’m still loving it. I’ve had to spend extra time taking care of her because of Adam being on crutches and returning to school, but I’ve really enjoyed the time (for the most part). Since she has been sick she’s been really snuggly and I’m not complaining at all. I love the extra snuggles and I like that she’s getting the comfort she needs from me.
- a. Likes: I love watching her tear willy-nilly through the house while I’m puttering in the kitchen. It’s really funny to watch. She’s such a silly munchkin and I just adore watching her be silly and not care. I also love watching her and the dog play together. It’s hysterical.
- b. Dislikes: Well, I’m getting bigger and it’s getting harder for me to do stuff with her, especially if it requires being on the floor. Thankfully my back pain has gotten better, but the lovely 3rd tri fatigue is starting to kick in and I don’t have as much energy as I did. BUT there’s only 11 weeks or so left until she officially becomes a big sister!
Grandpa giving a horsey ride
Helping Mommy with the dusting
Chilling on the couch with grandma
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