So we had our 38 week appointment today. I was hoping to have made some progress after last night. For those who weren't privy to the information I had contractions last night for about 2 hours. They were about every 5 minutes lasting 1-2 minutes. Just as I was about to call labor and delivery to see if I should come in they stopped. I was hoping they would start up again but they didn't so I went to work this morning.
So as of my appointment today I am now 2cm dilated and about 25% effaced. My belly is measuring 35 weeks which means he has dropped. I also asked to have my membranes swept. So far it isn't doing much of anything but a lot of people I talked to said it took about 2 days.
That's about it. Next week Wednesday we're scheduled to go in to the clinic to have the Foley placed around 3pm...unless I go into labor on my own over the weekend. Either way, we'll have an outside baby by next week Thursday!
YAY for some progress!! Come on Samuel make your appearance.