*I've modified this survey some because not all of the questions were appropriate anymore.*
Monthly Survey
1. How old? 15 months.
2. Stats:
- a. Weight: 26lbs (90th percentile)
- b. Height: 32.5” (95th percentile)
- c. Clothes size: 18 months for tops. 24 months-2T for pants and pajamas
- d. Diaper size: Transitioning from 4’s to 5’s in Huggies.
- e. Shoe size: Size 5, but have started buying some 6’s.
- f. Anything else? Head circumference was 46.5cm and chest was 48cm.
3. Milestones:
- a. Teething: 14! Her top left canine came in without anyone noticing until it was already all the way through the skin!
- b. Talking: Yep! I didn’t realize that animal sound counted for words so she’s been “talking” for a month or so already.
- i. Words: No, More, Mama, Baby, ball, “moo”, “sss (snake)”, and a growling sound for a lion. (8 total) She also says Dada and “quack quack” (duck) but not very often and if you ask her to say it she most often replies “no.” She also tells my mom’s bird “shhh”.
- c. Walking: Yes, and testing boundaries. She doesn’t want to be carried or ride in the cart/stroller, but if you put her down to walk she takes off. She won’t hold hands sometimes, either. We’re working on it.
- d. Anything else? I’ve started asking here where Baby Sam is and she pokes my belly button or lifts my shirt up and says “baby”. It’s super cute!
- a. Toys: She’s been playing more with her puzzle and her Little People Zoo. She’s also been practicing putting things into other things.
- b. Books: Her favorites are still anything that is sort of a peek-a-boo type book. Hop on Pop has recently joined the list of favorites, too!
- c. Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider is still a big hit.
- d. TV Shows: We keep Sprout on all day for background noise. Sometimes she’s really into it, sometimes not.
- e. Other activities: My mom has been taking her to Story Time at the library on Tuesdays. She really loves it!
5. Things she dislikes: Not a whole lot these days. She’s generally pretty content. She has still been having some stranger anxiety, but it seems to be worse with men than women, and I think it depends on if she’s with me or Adam.
6. Sleeping: Sleeping has been pretty good. She’s napping after lunch (on good days she goes down easily) for 1-2 hours and at night I’ve pushed her bedtime back by 15-30 minutes so she’s usually in bed by 8 now (she sleeps for about 12 hours on average). She rarely wakes in the middle of the night-usually only if she has a nightmare or is teething/sick.
7. Eating:
- a. Favorite foods: I don’t really know that she has one favorite. She’s not really a picky eater and eats what we’re eating most days.
- b. Not so favorite foods: She still doesn’t like regular potatoes! Peaches are also on the not-so-favorite list, too!
8. Nicknames: I’ve been calling her “buns” (which is sort of short for hunny buns)
9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: My birthday! I’ll also be reaching the full term phase of this pregnancy, which means we won’t be making a ton of plans. We’ll probably just try to keep it low key for the month. At some point we’ll be celebrating my family’s birthdays (we celebrate almost in quarters of the year) but I’ll be pushing for early March for that unless we do the celebrating at my mom’s house.
10. How I like motherhood:
- a. Likes: I still just love watching her learn new things. It’s amazing-especially now that she’s been picking up a new word almost on a daily basis! My favorite moment of the last month has been when she points at me and says Mama. She has said it before, but almost never while directing it right at me. It melts my heart. :)
- b. Dislikes: My hormones and my illness (I’ve had a cold and bronchitis for the last month) making me short-tempered. It’s not her fault and I try not to take it out on her, but sometimes she pushes all my buttons at once!
Enjoying her time at the Library
Riding her horsey
Best Friends
"Look, Mom! I'm helping with the laundry!"
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