Monday, February 20, 2012

33 weeks in-7 to go!

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 33 weeeks-7 weeks (49 days) to go!

Total weight gain: +25.6lbs (153.6lbs) Up 4.2lbs from last week. Yuck! Must do better next week!

How big is baby?: The size of a pineapple (a little over 4lbs and just over 17” from head to heel).

Sleep?: For the most part sleep has been good. I had a bit of trouble last night because I was too warm.

How are you feeling physically? I’m more and more tired and find myself tiring easily. The problem is I don’t have time to take naps anymore. I always find myself with something that needs to get done. I’ve also been getting headaches just about daily. My doctor suggested a supplement so I’ll try that and see if I’ve any better luck.

How are you feeling emotionally?: I still have moments of panic-I feel like I’m totally not ready for Samuel to come yet. I feel like I have nothing ready, when in fact, aside from a few things I don’t even really need until later, we have everything we could possibly need.

Best moment this week?: We picked up a new car seat for Clara and figured out the configuration for when Samuel outgrows the infant seat. I also got the Pack N Play set up in our room and got my suitcase out to be packed.

Movement?: Yep, constantly! His movements are starting to change, though. I’m definitely getting more rolls than punches these days.

What is baby up to this week?: He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Food cravings?: Junk food, apparently. Time to crack down on my diet! No more Drumsticks and no more Kool-Aid. I can have my 1 Mtn Dew in the morning but after that it’s water with Mio or Crystal Light Pure.

Labor signs?: Nope. It’s been pretty quiet on that front lately and I’m glad. My birth month board on TheBump already has 5 outside babies! Thankfully, all babies are doing really well and are expected to go home in a few weeks.

What I miss: Having any kind of energy, patience, and comfort.

What I'm looking forward to: We set a date for our final Baby Shopping trip: I’m going to make a Registry for Target and then we’re going and buying the rest of the stuff that we need for Samuel. It’ll be on March 16th. Adam will still be off for Spring Break and it’s my scheduled Friday off. We’ll drop Clara at Mimi’s and pick her up when we’re done. It’s too hard to get anything productive done with her along!

I’m also looking forward to Sue’s Scentsy party next week as well as our next OB appointment.

Random Thoughts: I just keep wondering what life is going to be like with 2 kids. I know I’ll get plenty of time with just one child while Clara’s at Mimi’s during Adam’s school day. I’m sure it’ll be really different from when I was on leave with her, too! I’ve gotten used to trying to get household chores done while chasing after Clara, but if she’s not home and Sam’s sleeping, I might be spending less time sitting around and more time working around the house!

I’m also starting to feel like I did around this time with Clara: wondering when and how labor will start. Will he be early? Will he be late? Will I get induced again? Will he even be head down by 36 weeks? What happens if he’s not? I’m fairly certain he’s going to be at least as big as his sister so if he doesn’t figure it out pretty soon, he’s going to get good and stuck.

33 week bump pic.

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