Wednesday, February 8, 2012


As it seems to happen about once a year or so, I got tired of my blog looking like it did, so I changed it. I also removed some things from the sidebar and added a button for Pinterest. Now those of you who are addicted, like me, can follow my boards!

Speaking of Pinterest, one of my resolutions for this year is to get more organized. I've been doing a lot of searching as well as pinning to Pinterest. I've found one way, in particular, to be organized and save money (which is 2 resolutions for 1!). I've decided, at long last, to get into meal planning. I know there are websites out there where you don't have to do the work-they do it for you. But I've found that just by sitting down and making a menu for a period of time really saves money and energy! Over the weekend I sat down and came up with meals for a 2-week time frame. Then I made a list of all the ingredients that I'd need for those meals. Some I already had, which helped. I was suprised at how little I ended up spending. It's also great because Now I know what we're having for dinner every night and I don't have to stare into the cupboards wondering what to make. Pinterest has provided me with endless opportunities for new recipes, which is helping to keep things new and interesting rather than eating the same old stuff all the time.

Also in an effort to save money, I've found that it's more economical for our family if I make less food at mealtimes. I was finding out that many of our leftovers never got eaten (I realized this as I spent an afternoon cleaning out the refrigerator as well as I was the one taking the garbage out every week for a while due to Adam's surgery). We ended up throwing so much food away that I figured it had to be costing us more money than I wanted. Adam bought me a Brother P-Touch labeler for St Nick this year and I've been putting to good use! Anytime leftovers go in the fridge, they get a label with the date. On Mondays (garbage goes out on Monday night) I go through the fridge and clean out whatever has been in there for too long. It not only keeps the fridge clean, but it keeps my Tupperware cupboard stocked, too! It also keeps me aware of how much we're tossing out every week.

So, the organization may not be happening on as big a scale as I would like at the moment, but I'm at least working at it! Check out my Food board on Pinterest for some of the awesome recipes I'll be trying in the coming weeks!

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