Saturday, December 31, 2011

And I thought 2011 was an interesting year!

I can't wait to see what 2012 is going to bring!

This last year has brought me so many different feelings: joy, sadness, stress, excitement. I've learned so much! I've watched my daughter grow from a helpless little newborn to a rambunctious toddler in what seems like the blink of an eye!

I honestly can't believe how much she has learned in the last year. She has learned how to roll over, how to sit up, how to eat "real people" food, how to crawl, how to clap and laugh, and even how to walk and run! I swear her vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day! I love to watch her crinkle her whole face up in a grin when I come home from work or we visit her at Mimi's. She's such a sweet and tender and funny little girl and my heart swells with joy and pride whenever she's around. That's not to say that there haven't been stressful times with her. I remember the early days of her not sleeping because of her reflux. But once we got that under control it seemed fine...until she started teething. Since then it's been off and on, good days and bad days, but in the end, there's nothing I would change about any of it. I can't stomach being away from her for more than a day or so. I start feeling at a loss for what to do with myself. It's not that I'm bored, it's just that I'm lonely and miss her.

I also can't believe how much I have learned about myself in the last year. Becoming a parent teaches you lots of things about yourself and how you interact with the world around you. Things that you never would have thought possible you somehow find the ability to do. Situations that seem impossible seem to somehow work out-though not always the way you expected. You also learn to love beyond what you would even think possible. And you learn different kinds of love. The kind of love you have for your spouse even changes....ok, maybe not changes, but takes on another dimension. There's the love that you have for them when you get married and fall in love, but when you see your spouse interacting with the child that you made together, it's a different thing entirely. I am truly blessed to have found this wonderful man and even though we haven't had the easiest life starting out together, we are mature and have been able to deal with whatever that crazy life has thrown at us.

In the next year I look forward to MANY things! I look forward to the new chapters we'll be opening in the New Year.

In just a few short weeks Adam will be starting nursing school. It's a big chapter and really, the final one in what we hope to be a great and rewarding career move that not only allows him to further his education, but get a well-paying and rewarding job. Hopefully it also allows me to stop working full-time to concentrate on finishing my own degree and spending more time with our children.

I also look forward to seeing what the end result of his latest surgery will be. His time on crutches should be over by the end of January and as his rehab continues, we're optimistic that he can get back some of the quality of life that he had before this all began.

The new year will also bring us a new son! There are so many things I look forward to about this! I can't wait to see all his firsts all over again. I can't wait to see who he looks like and what his personality will be like. Will he be laid back or will he be just as rambunctious as his sister? How will he and his sister get along? How will I, as a mother, deal with 2 children so close in age without losing my mind?

I'm not one who typically makes New Year's resolutions, but I think this year I'm going to make a couple that I think are reasonable and that I can stick with.
  1. I want to be more organized. I've been starting some organization in different parts of the house, but I'd really like to make a bigger effort at it. Reducing the clutter in my house will hopefully mean that my life, in general, will be less stressful. I plan to make a list of how to organize each room and then slowly work at it when I have the opportunity.
  2. After Samuel is born I want to get back into shape. I didn't have a lot of trouble losing all the baby weight from Clara, but I wasn't even close to being in shape. I want to (as much as I can) get back the body I had before I got pregnant at all. I've done a good job of watching my weight and what I eat while I'm pregnant with Samuel so I know the weight loss after he's born will be easier, but it's the rest that I worry about.
  3. I would like to reduce our debt load. We already have somewhat of a plan in place for that, we just have to be really good about sticking to it and do a better job of managing our money.
  4. I am going to try to be a more positive person. I did a better job of it over 2011, but I really want to try harder.
  5. I am going to try to take more time for myself. Time to myself does not include things like: grocery shopping, doing laundry, cleaning, or any other housework. Time for myself will be things like: getting manicures/pedicures, hanging out with friends, working on scrapbook or other DIY projects, gardening, or relaxing while watching TV or playing video games. It's a matter of being more efficient with my time and reworking my priorities a little. I think if I can get better organized it'll be easier to take time for myself.
I hope everyone reading this has had an awesome 2011 and can have an even better 2012. I look forward to growing as a human being, a wife, and a mother and I look forward to sharing all of these experiences with everyone.

Friday, December 30, 2011

What's on your mind?

It's Friday and time for yet another "What's On Your Mind?"

  • I've never really made New Year's resolutions that I stuck to. I think maybe one of my resolutions for next year should be to stick to my resolutions!
  • Maybe I need to make resolutions that I actually CAN stick to.
  • I'm beyond thrilled to have Clara home with me all weekend! I can't wait to pick her up after work!
  • We're almost halfway through the "6 weeks" that Adam was given for an approximate time to be on crutches. I can't wait until the 5th to see how it's coming along.
  • We got a bunch of money for Christmas and I can't wait to go buy some stuff! We need a new grill since ours burned up over the summer and I can't wait to get it so we can make the cheddarwurst that I have in the freezer!
  • I can't believe I'm just 1.5 weeks away from being in the 3rd trimester of this pregnancy! I can't believe how quickly it went, and I was right-the holidays did seem to make the time go faster, even though we didn't do much.
  • Since it's boring at work today, I think I'll work on my New Year's resolutions...and maybe my to-do list as well.
  • I love having a real Christmas tree, but I am SO looking forward to taking it down so I can have my living room back! Maybe this weekend....
What's on your mind just before the New Year?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

25 weeks down, 15 to go!

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 25 weeks 1 day down, 14 weeks 6 days to go! Yikes!

Total weight gain: +16.4lbs (144.4lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of an eggplant, though I think he's had a major growth spurt in the last week!

Sleep?: Sleep is ok, I guess. Clara is back to sleeping through the night, but my back has been so bad that I've been sleeping fitfully and waking early and often.

How are you feeling physically? I'm feeling pretty good, except for my back.

How are you feeling emotionally?: I had a pretty rough week, emotionally and this week probably won't be any better because due to scheduling, Clara will be spending most of the week at my IL's house and that's already rough on me just thinking about it. Traveling is getting easier with Adam, though, so maybe we'll at least be able to go see her in the afternoons when I get done with work.

Best moment this week?: Having Christmas with my family. It was a good time and Adam and I even got some time just to ourselves on Christmas morning before Clara woke up. That was probably my favorite moment. :)

Movement?: Still a ton of movement! Some of it is getting rather sharp!

What is baby up to this week?: Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Food cravings?: I've been eating REALLY badly over the last week: lots of sweets and cookies and not much exercise.

Labor signs?: Thankfully not!

What I miss: Having my little girl home all the time and having a healthy and 100% mobile husband.

What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to Jan 5th because it's our next appointment for Adam and our next baby appointment, and we'll get to see Samuel again!

25 week bump pic

Holiday Hiatus

As you may have noticed, What's On Your Mind has been missing from my weekly posts. Well, it's been a little nuts with the holidays. Ususally I do my blog posts at work but I've been off of work the last couple Fridays so it hasn't gotten done and any time I may have had at home, I've been busy getting things ready for the holiday festivities.

So I'm happy to report that since I'll be working Friday (and because the holidays are over with and Clara is at Mimi & Papa's all week...sadly) WOYM will return to it's regularly scheduled time.

I also realize that I missed my weekly pregnancy survey. Well I'm working on that as we speak as well as Clara's 13-month survey. I have a bunch of pictures I need to get uploaded for that one, as well as getting a weight and measurement for her.

Speaking of work-my schedule is going to be a little nuts for a while. This week I had Monday off due to the Christmas holiday so I work Tuesday through Friday 5:45-1:45. Next week I have off Monday for New Years and then I'm working 5:45-1:45 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and Thursday I work 5:45 til Noon because Adam and I both have appointments all afternoon. The following week I may be taking a day of vacation to take Adam to his orientation for school...depending on how he feels about driving and being out by himself all day.

So it looks like I may not be working a full week until almost the end of January! It's nice to have some extra time off, but it makes it really hard to come back to work! Before I know it, I'll be off work for an extended time so we can welcome our little boy!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Be someone's hero-BeTheMatch @

I just got finished watching my friend Eric's latest blog entry. He is currently recovering from his THIRD stem cell transplant in order to finally be rid of his Leukemia. Long story short-he received his latest transplant from someone who registered through the bone marrow registry and at day +29, he's doing better than expected.

I think maybe this is what finally prompted me to do something I'd been considering for a while: become a registered donor. It's very simple! Go to and join the site. You will answer a short health questionnaire and then they will send you a kit in the mail. Once you get that kit, all you do is swab the inside of your cheek with a q-tip, put it in a baggie, and send it back to them. They'll put your information into the system and-v'oila!-you become a potential donor! If  you're contacted as being a potential match, the procedure is no more difficult than donating blood. If you can donate blood, you can donate stem cells! You have the potential to save someone's life. Eric wouldn't have had a chance if it weren't for the generosity of his donor. I hope they get to meet someday.

I'm never able to donate blood because I'm either always anemic or pregnant when there's a blood drive. With the stem cell donation, you don't even lose any of your blood. They hook an IV to your arm. The blood flows out of your arm and into a machine that spins the stem cells out and then the blood is returned right back to you. It actually seems pretty neat. :)

So I'm encouraging all of you out there to consider becoming a donor. It's easy and you could save someone's life. Lots of people are out there that need a match and never get one. Be someone's match and sign up today!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Viability day! 24 weeks down-16 to go!

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 24 weeks-Viability!! At this point Samuel could live on the outside, but he’d need a lot of support! We’ll just keep him cooking a little longer yet.

Total weight gain: +13.8lbs (141.8lbs)

How big is baby?: Still the size of a papaya.

Sleep?: This week has been a real challenge for sleep. Adam had his surgery on Wednesday so I’ve been waking up multiple times per night to hand out meds, get him things he needs, and to refill his ice machine so we can keep the swelling down on his leg. At least Clara has slept through the night the past 2 nights! I think it helped that she was pretty much exhausted.

How are you feeling physically? My back is sore and I’m more tired, but there’s not really much I can do about that right now considering I’m the sole person in our house who is capable of taking care of Clara.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Overwhelmed and stressed out! Maybe it’ll get easier as time goes by and Adam heals more, but we’ll just have to wait and see. There’s really no predicting it, which I think contributes to some of the stress-just not knowing how things are going to change between now and even Christmas!

Best moment this week?: That’s a tough one. I guess the best moment would have to be when Clara finally came home to stay after being gone all day Wednesday, Thursday, and most of Friday. It’s a LOT more work with her home, but I missed her so much.

Movement?: Yep! Samuel is still as lively as ever. It almost feels like he’s running out of room due to the types of movement I’m getting now, but I’m sure he’s still got plenty. Maybe he’s just a space hog and likes to have all the room he possibly can. I’ve been feeling actual body parts (not sure if they’re hands, arms, legs, etc)!

What is baby up to this week?: Still much of the same as the last couple weeks. Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Food cravings?: Nothing in particular. I didn’t do a very good job with my eating over the last week, but I’m happy that my weight gain was under 2lbs. I’m sure the stress doesn’t help anything, either.

Labor signs?: Thankfully not.

What I miss: I miss being able to take care of Clara the way I used to-and I’m certainly not going to get any smaller as the weeks progress.

What I'm looking forward to: I’m looking forward to so many things right now. I’m looking forward to this week being over with. I’m looking forward to Christmas (sort of). I’m looking forward to Adam getting his staples removed. I’m looking forward to our next OB appointment and ultrasound on January 5th. I’m looking forward to seeing how well this surgery worked and hopefully resuming a more normal life together. And of course, I’m looking forward to meeting my son! I can’t wait to see who he looks like and see what his personality will be like. :)

Random Thoughts: I have so many that if I tried to write them all down, I’d probably be here forever. Lol I can’t believe it’s viability day today! It’s a huge milestone and I’m really glad that we’ve made it this far. Sam seems to be doing really well and seems healthy and happy. He’s doing all the things he’s supposed to be doing-I just feel bad that I’m so stressed. I’m sure it’s not fantastic for him, but I try to do the best I can.

I think people are under-estimating how difficult life is in our house with just me to take care of 98% of things. Adam is the one who usually does most of the caring for Clara, since I work full-time and during his last semester of school only had class 2 days per week. Not only that, but he did a lot of the bedtime stuff and lifting/carrying since my back has been so bad and my belly is in the way. Now that he can’t help with anything (he’s on crutches and cannot carry her at all) the responsibility of caring for her falls on me. That means when I get home from work at 2, she’s all my responsibility. That also means that if I need to go someplace I can’t just leave her home-I have to take her with me, which is not always fun or easy, especially being 24 weeks pregnant. Keeping her entertained at home isn’t too difficult. It gets hard when it starts being time for naps or getting dinner cooked, getting Adam and I and Clara fed and then starting the bedtime routine. It also means that if she wakes up in the middle of the night that I’m the one who has to get up with her, even if I do have to get up at 4:15am for work every day. Adam had a big part of Clara’s care and I don’t think I ever realized how much until he couldn’t help. It’s really hard to not get frustrated with her, especially when I’m tired and stressed. I used to go to bed right after she did. Now I have to stay up late to finish chores around the house that I couldn’t get done while she was up and around. It’s getting to the point in my pregnancy where I should be taking naps again but I just don’t have the time or ability to do so. There’s too much other stuff going on. Thankfully we have a lot of help from our families, but it’s really not the same as having Adam around to help.

Adam had a countdown to the end of the semester going. I think I might have a countdown of weeks until he’ll be off crutches and can be back to “normal” again.

See what I mean about the amount of random thoughts, though? That was just one thread!
24 week bump pic

Monday, December 12, 2011

23 weeks down-17 to go!

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 23 weeks-17 weeks to go!

Total weight gain: +12.4lbs (140.4lbs) I lost this week!

How big is baby?: Still the size of a papaya.

Sleep?: Crappy again. Clara has been cutting the last of her 1-year molars and has been pretty cranky and not sleeping well. I’m sure my sleep is not going to improve after Adam has surgery on Wednesday.

How are you feeling physically? Aside from a nasty pain in my back, pretty good. I’m sure going to the Chiropractor on Tuesday will help, though.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Stressed with the holidays coming up and with Adam’s upcoming surgery. I’m not worried about the surgery itself, I’m more worried about what’s going to happen with the recovery and child care with me working all week.

Best moment this week?: Picking a name for our son finally!! His name will be Samuel James. We also learned the name of our new nephew. I’m so excited! I really can’t wait til April!

Movement?: Oh yes! Lots of it. And I think he’s getting bigger because his kicks are getting a lot stronger!

What is baby up to this week?: Much the same as last week. Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Food cravings?: Not really. I was astonished when I saw that I actually lost weight this week because I pretty much felt like all I did was snack all weekend, even though I wasn’t particularly hungry.

Labor signs?: Nope. Just some Braxton Hicks contractions.

What I miss: Hmmm, nothing really. I plan to enjoy a glass or 2 of wine over the Christmas holiday so that should curb my craving for a while.

What I'm looking forward to: I’m looking forward to having Adam’s surgery done and over with so we can move on with the next phase of our life plan. I’m also looking forward to January 5th, when we have our next appointment…though I’m not looking forward to the glucose testing that day.

Random Thoughts: I don’t have too many random thoughts this week. I’m too busy getting everything ready for Christmas!
23 week bump pic.

Formally introducing...

That's right, our son finally has a name! We're absolutely in love with this combination and it's pretty far from what we had originally considered. We'll be calling him either Samuel or Sam (NOT Sammy, lol) and James is Adam's middle name which is nice to be able to carry on.

We can't wait to meet you, little man!

Author's note: I intended to do this reveal slightly differently, but due to my lack of computer skills, I couldn't do exactly what I wanted. :) Oh well, you get the point. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

What's on your mind?

It's Friday once again. I thought I'd do another edition of "What's on your mind?". I'm thinking of turning this into a weekly post.

  • Today is the last Friday I'll be working for 2 weeks!
  • Monday will be the last Monday I'll be working for 2 weeks!
  • Adam's surgery is only a few days away now. He has his pre-op appointment with our GP this afternoon and then we're spending the next day and a half trying to get some major things done around the house in preparation for him being out of commission for the next 2 months (minimum).
  • The list of things to do this afternoon includes: wrapping the presents for Christmas on Saturday at my brother & sister-in-law's house, finish decorating the tree, clean out the garage, clean out the refrigerator, do some laundry, buy one last-minute gift, and finish cleaning stuff up outside for the winter.
  • I'm in a better mood than I have been the last few days. Truth be told I was in somewhat of a funk most of the week, but I feel better today.
  • We finally picked a name for our son! I'm working on the reveal and am really excited to let everyone know what we decided on! I think everyone will be surprised, since it's pretty far from what we had been considering!
  • I feel like a major geek because I got a new P-Touch labeler for St. Nick and am REALLY stoked about it! I can't wait to start using it! Ok, who are we kidding? I am a major geek. :)
  • It's freezing outside, but at least there's no snow yet. Being pregnant and having snow on the ground makes me nervous. I don't want to slip and fall...and I'm not particularly fond of having to drive to work most days before the snow plows will be out.
So, what's on your mind on this chilly Friday?

Monday, December 5, 2011

22 Week survey-18 to go!

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 22 weeks! 18 weeks left

Total weight gain: +13lbs (141lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of a papaya.

Sleep?: Last night it was terrible. In general, though, it’s been pretty good.

How are you feeling physically? Today I’m a bit uncomfortable. I’m not sure if I slept funny or I haven’t had enough to drink yet or what. Other than that, I’ve been pretty good. My back is starting to bother me again, but I think it’ll work itself out again.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Good. The hormones/emotions have been pretty well in check lately.

Best moment this week?: We got our Christmas tree! I ended up having to pick it out by myself! We picked Clara up from Mimi & Papa’s and stopped at a Christmas tree place nearby. Well, she fell asleep in the car in between so Adam stayed in the car with her while I picked a tree (don’t worry-I had someone else carry it out!). It’s not decorated yet, but it’s up!

Movement?: Of course! Our little man had a quiet day yesterday but he seems to be back to his regular antics today.

What is baby doing this week?: Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Food cravings?: No cravings, but I’ve been eating like crap all weekend. It’s time to get back on track. I’m pretty sure that’s why I gained 2lbs this week as opposed to my usual 1lb. I’m making a run to the store tonight so I’ll be re-stocking my supply of healthy and delicious snacks.

Labor signs?: I hope not! I’ve been feeling crampy this morning, but I’m hoping it’s just gas and/or the baby growing.

What I miss: My back not hurting!

What I'm looking forward to: St. Nick comes tomorrow! He was very busy this year so he didn’t have time to make much for our little family, but he told me to check my stocking and there will be something there!

Random Thoughts: We’re counting down the days til Adam’s surgery. I’m not nervous about the surgery part (though that may change, too). I’m more worried about how things will go after he’s done and recovering. I’m a planner and the fact that nothing is planned and everything is up in the air is driving me nuts…especially the prospect of not seeing my daughter for the better part of a week or more. I’m also sad that I’ve been wishing this pregnancy away too much. With Clara I could sit around and daydream about how it would be to have a baby. Now I’m too busy chasing her all over the place and wishing I was more physically capable of keeping up with her! Well that, and I’m looking forward to meeting this little man who thinks it’s fun to beat mommy up all day long.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What's on your mind?

A local radio station does this every Friday: Tell us what's on your mind. So I will! I've been feeling very bloggy lately, anyway. :)

  • I just finished watching Eric's new blog post from his website. This is Stem Cell Transplant #3, Day +14 and it sounds as if everything is going well! The post itself was from Wednesday. As of then, he still had no white cells, but his platelets were coming up, which means it looks like the new stem cells have grafted! With any luck his white cells will come up soon and he'll be able to FINALLY get out of the hospital and into his new house! Such amazing news!
  • Another young lady whom I have been following, Miss Scarlett, just had her every-three-month MRI to check for regrowth of her brain tumor. The scan went well and she is still IN THE CLEAR! More amazing news! For those who don't know Scarlett's story, check out the blog roll on the right. You can read all about her and her amazing parents.
  • For those who don't know, my husband is a published author. I, personally, can't read much of what he writes because I'm a big fraidy cat and he writes horror. His latest accomplishment? He got published in a book of short stories! A BOOK! It's even on Amazon! OMG, I am a proud wife! He also has a blog where he has his other published works listed. You should check them out sometime.
  • Another note about my husband, he is a USMC veteran with a bum knee. It's why he's currently in nursing school and not still working with me. Well, said bum knee has been operated on God knows how many times and is still not any better. So, we're going for another round of surgery on the 14th. I'm nervous as hell, not for the surgery, but for the recovery process. This is not a small surgery. Not to mention we have a 13-month old at home to take care of and I'm rather pregnant and I still have to go to work during the day. While he's on crutches it's going to be hard for him to take care of her so she'll be spending a lot of time with the grandparents which makes me really sad. I don't like when she spends tons of time away from home. I miss her too much. But at least he'll be off the crutches and mostly recovered by the time our son comes (hopefully!!). With any luck, he'll finally be healthy enough for everyday life! It's been a long struggle and we're really hoping that this is it.
  • I can't wait to start really getting down to organizing the kids' room. There's a lot of Clara's things that need to get packed away, like the bumpers from her crib and some of the toys she doesn't play with anymore. I know I can keep some of the toys out for the little guy, but there are others that can get packed away for now-especially with Christmas coming up! I need to get the shelving system and bins that I want so I can get organized. I feel an overwhelming urge to be really neat and organized lately. Maybe that's why I put a label maker on my Christmas list (I'm such a nerd)!
  • Speaking of Christmas: I have got to get some Christmas shopping done! I have a couple things for people, but am nowhere near finished! AND we'll be celebrating Christmas with my parents and my brother and his wife NEXT WEEKEND! I think we're getting our tree either this weekend or next. I can't wait to get that up and decorated! And my mother and I are going to a Christmas concert tonight.
Anyway, that's about it for now. It's Friday and work is slow, but I've got other things I can do like read a book. :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Anatomy scan update

Yesterday afternoon we had our anatomy ultrasound as well as our monthly check-up with the doctor. Our ultrasound was scheduled for 2 and the doctor's appointment for 3.

I was really hoping that Clara would take an early nap so that she wouldn't be quite such a handful to deal with since we didn't have a sitter and had to bring her along. I left work at 1 and called Adam on my way home. He said Clara had just fallen asleep. Super. Of course she would do that when we have to leave the house by 1:45! So he put her in the crib and jumped in the shower. When I got home I changed clothes and helped get her stuff together. She also hadn't had time to eat lunch so we packed some snacks along, too. Unfortunately, we had to wake her up so we could get her dressed so we could all leave the house. I HATE waking sleeping babies. Luckily, she seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

We got to the ultrasound office (right next door and on the same floor as our doctor's office, which is really convenient!) and she amused herself by running all over the place. :) It was really cute. We got called back very shortly and got settled in to the room. The tech got all the shots she needed except for the heart. We could see the heart and the heartbeat, but she couldn't get him to move into just the right spot to get the exact angle she wanted. He was really quite stubborn. She had me roll on my side and jiggled him around. I even got up and went to the bathroom and he still wouldn't move! So, the verdict is we get to have another ultrasound in about 5 weeks. I wasn't upset by that. I love seeing the little guy! Everything else looked really healthy. He's measuring slightly smaller than his current due date (or weight-wise he's about 3/4 of a pound). We also got (unneeded) confirmation that he is, in fact, still a boy. It was so nice to see him. And we got a really cool shot of him yawning! Here it is:
See how cute he is with his little hands up by his face, rubbing his eyes?? Awww!! Too much cuteness!

Next, we headed next door to the doctor's office. Mind you, it was really early...I think the ultrasound took all of about 40 minutes (as opposed to the hour it's scheduled for)...but we still got in almost right away. I got all the usual-weight, bp, handouts for various upcoming testing and classes. Before too long Dr. V came in and we got down to business-which actually only involved him taking a quick look at the pictures from the ultrasound and whatever was written in my chart. He asked how everything was going (really well, actually!) and if I had any questions or concerns (which I didn't) and we were pretty much done! No need for the doppler since we had heard the h/b at the ultrasound. He would like to do the glucose testing and the next ultrasound at my next appointment, which thanks to the holidays won't be until January 5, 2012. I'll be roughly 26-27 weeks by then-ALMOST 3RD TRIMESTER! Yikes! I can't believe how quickly it's going and it'll probably feel even faster because of Christmas and New Years, and Adam's surgery!

So that's about it! Everything went well, the little man looks happy and healthy, and we're just cruising through! We do still have some hard work ahead of us, though...PICKING A NAME!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday.... on hiatus at the moment as Mama G and her family make their way back to the east coast so her hubby (the new and improved DR G) can start his new job.

Good luck on the move! I hope everything goes smoothly and you all get settled soon! Wisconsin will miss you for sure, but we always need to go where life will be better for us. We wish you well and hope you can return to your regularly scheduled blog posts soon!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

12-month survey!

Monthly Survey

1. How old is baby? 12 months!!

2. Stats:
  • a. Weight: 24lbs 6oz 
  • b. Height: 29.75 inches 
  • c. Clothes size: Some 12 month onesies, but all 18-month + for pants and pajamas. 
  • d. Diaper size: Size 4 in Huggies 
  • e. Hair color: Blonde/strawberry blonde 
  • f. Anything else? We have her official 12 month appointment on 11/9. Check-up went well. She’s doing everything she’s supposed to. She also got 3 shots which weren’t fun. We also found out she’ll be the big sister to a little brother! Her head measured 44.5cm and her chest is 48cm.
3. Milestones:
  • a. Teething: She now has 9 teeth. Four in front on top and bottom and one molar-lower left. The upper-left is almost through the skin and the bottom right is almost through, too. 
  • b. Talking: Still constantly babbling, though I thought I heard her attempt a couple words. 
  • c. Rolling: More for playing than transport. 
  • d. Walking: And running! All over the place. She really loves to walk and run. 
  • e. Crawling: Hardly ever anymore. 
  • f. Anything else?  
4. Things she likes:
  • a. Toys: She got a bunch of new ones for her birthday. They all look like fun. She hasn’t gotten much of a chance to play with them yet. 
  • b. Books: She LOVES to read books! We need to start rotating them through. 
  • c. Songs: She likes to dance to songs she hears on TV, but no song in particular. 
  • d. TV Shows: Sunny Side Up on Sprout. She LOVES Chicka. She still likes all her other shows, too. 
  • e. Other activities: We’re hoping to return to the Y this week. We won’t do a structured swimming class, but we’ll go and spend time in the pool. Otherwise she just loves to spend time with Mimi and Papa as well as Gramma and Grampa A. She loves to play with Scooter, and she likes to go places (to the store, mall, etc.).
5. Things she dislikes: Having her nose wiped. She’s on her 2nd cold and it’s been a real pain.

6. Sleeping: GREAT! She usually sleeps 11-12 hours per night and takes one good nap (anywhere from 45 mins-2 hours) during the day. It’s not surprising, though, considering how active she is now! We have been having a little trouble at night lately. She’ll usually wake up once during the night and someone will have to get up with her. Mostly she’s doing well, though.

7. Eating: She’s been in a pattern of eating really well at breakfast, not so great at lunch, and then eating a really good supper. I’m not sure if this will change or not, but we just need to make sure we give good snacks during the day if that’s the case.
  • a. Favorite foods: Eggs with ham, oatmeal, pancakes, fruits, veggies, brats. She’s really been a good eater lately! 
  • b. Not so favorite foods: Regular potatoes. Still doesn’t like them. I have a feeling she might like mashed potatoes more.

 8. Nicknames:

9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: Her 2nd Christmas! There will probably be several different Christmases spread out over the entire month, but I know she’ll have fun. Maybe she’ll even get to see a performance of the Nutcracker!

10. How I like motherhood: Still loving it. It gets crazy sometimes and I know it’ll only get crazier, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
  • a. Likes: Lots of things. :) I love Clara’s little squeals and how she loves to chase us and be chased. I love to watch her explore new things. I love watching her interact with different people. She’s really becoming her own person and it’s really neat to see. 
  • b. Dislikes: Being so busy that sometimes I forget to enjoy the small things. I’m too wrapped up in what’s going on in our everyday lives to notice the world around me.

Pictures from her 1-year photo shoot!


21 week survey-19 weeks to go!

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain: +11 lbs (139lbs) I blame Thanksgiving!

How big is baby?: The size of a banana.

Sleep?: Bad. I don’t know if it’s because we rearranged the bedroom or if we changed the kind of sheets on the bed or what, but I’ve not had a good night’s sleep since Thursday!

How are you feeling physically? Achy. I made the mistake of moving furniture by myself on Friday night and ended up in bed all night because my back hurt so badly. It’s better now, but I’m really looking forward to my chiropractor appointment tomorrow! Other than that, I’m good. Just a few small Braxton Hicks contractions the last couple days but nothing else major.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Still really good. I’m just really excited to meet my little man…and really excited to find a name for this guy! We still haven’t been able to decide on anything concrete yet.

Best moment this week?: We have our anatomy scan on Wednesday that I’m really looking forward to. I’m also looking forward to finding out if I’ll have my very first niece or nephew on Tuesday!

Movement?: Pretty much all the time now. He’s really active right when I lay down to go to sleep. It takes me a little while to fall asleep because he’s so crazy in there!

What is baby up to this week?: Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

Food cravings?: Oranges and celery with peanut butter. It’s nice to have healthy cravings for a change! I did have some cookies last night (and have some in my lunch today) but I only make a couple at a time. That’s the nice thing about having dough frozen in the freezer!

Labor signs?: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions, but they’re nowhere near as frequent or uncomfortable as they were last time.

What I miss: Being able to drink wine during the holidays. I still plan to have a glass or 2 between now and Christmas, but other than that, I’m not drinking.

What I'm looking forward to: Our anatomy scan on Wednesday. I always look forward to seeing my little man and making sure he’s still healthy and growing in there.

Random Thoughts: None this week really. I’ve been too busy with the holidays and a cranky, sick toddler to have much time to think. I did get a lot accomplished over the last 4 days off of work, but I still have a lot left to do! Which reminds me, I need to work on my to-do list.

21 Weeks!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday-Thankfulness

First off, I want to say that I’m really happy Mama G is back with Toddle Along Tuesdays! I always enjoy reading all the posts that link up with her and seeing the diversity of the other mama bloggers out there!



The topic of this week’s post is “Things You’re Thankful For,” rather fitting since this week brings us to Thanksgiving (one of my favorite holidays :)).

In years past I never really took time out to think about all the things I’m thankful for. We just plunked ourselves down at the dining table and proceeded to shovel food. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still plenty of that. Actually, there’s even more since I now have in-laws and get to have TWO Thanksgiving feasts! So this year, thanks to the prodding of Toddle Along Tuesdays (Thanks again Mama G!!), I’m going to make a list of all the things (or at least as many as them as I can think of) that I’m thankful for.

  • My health (even though I’ve got a nasty cold!!) and this healthy pregnancy. 
  • The love and support of my awesome rock star husband who is working his butt off and then some in order to give us the best life he can. 
  • My beautiful and funny little girl, Clara, who always has me in stitches. She’s the light of my life and I’m so thankful that she’s mine!! 
  • My family who is always there to bail me out. Clara says she’s thankful, too, because she can spend the day with Grandma rather than go to daycare! 
  • The November mommies on Facebook! They’re seriously some of my best friends. I haven’t met any of these ladies in person (at least not yet!) but they’ve got some of the biggest hearts around. Not to mention, it’s very handy to have kids the same age so that we can compare notes and strategize against the kiddos (especially when we think they sometimes Skype with each other and plot ways to drive us insane!). 
  • The very few friends that I have in real life. You guys are amazing and I’m glad to have each one of you. 
  • And last, but certainly not least, the men and women who serve and have served our country to protect the awesome land that we live in. Without their sacrifice we would not be able to even have the ability to post blogs like this, let alone much else! Our freedoms and our way of life would not be possible without these brave men and women and for that I am truly thankful.

I hope that during the upcoming holiday season, with its hustle and bustle and general busy-ness, that everyone can take a few minutes to remember what this time of year is all about: spending time with friends and family. It’s not about giving gifts or eating delicious food. It’s about appreciating what we do have.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Be safe!




Monday, November 21, 2011

Half baked!! 20 week survey

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 20 weeks! Half-baked!

Total weight gain: +9.8 lbs (137.8lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of a cantaloupe.

Sleep?: Except for this nasty cold that I have, it hasn’t been too bad lately. The body pillow is a must these days, but other than that it hasn’t been too bad.

How are you feeling physically? I’m feeling pretty well, actually. I had some major pelvic pain late last week that I thought I might have to get checked out, but all seems well now except for this darn cold!

How are you feeling emotionally?: Really great! It must be a good hormones week or something. Adam started randomly ripping down wallpaper in the bathroom and kitchen and the mess sort of made me freak out, but once I got everything cleaned up again I felt better. Now I’m just excited to start picking stuff out for our baby boy as well as getting ready for the upcoming holidays!

Best moment this week?: We found out this past Friday that we are indeed expecting a little boy! We’re overjoyed to be having one of each and I really look forward to seeing how Clara will react to a little brother. Now we just have to decide on a name for this fella!

Movement?: Yep! A lot and the kicks are getting strong enough for me to see them and for Adam to feel them sometimes. And according to our ultrasound tech on Friday, he’s REALLY active!! I had a hard time keeping up with him on the Doppler last night!

What is baby up to this week?: Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

Food cravings?: I haven’t had much of an appetite this week due to my cold, but I’ve been eating a lot of salads. I’ve also been craving sweets, though I’ve tried not to give into that temptation unless I can have a healthy snack like an orange.

Labor signs?: Thankfully not, just some Braxton Hicks which aren’t painful, but more annoying than anything else.

What I miss: At the moment, I’m not really missing anything. I do miss having wine, but I had a tiny bit at the Muellers Thanksgiving and I may or may not have a little bit at my own Thanksgiving on Thursday.

What I'm looking forward to: Thanksgiving on Thursday, taking Clara to the Christmas parade on Saturday, and our anatomy scan on the following Tuesday!

Random Thoughts: I go back and forth being excited about having a boy and being terrified! I think a lot of it is anxiety about taking care of a newborn baby boy with his poor circumcision and just being able to be a good mom to a boy. I worry that I won’t be as snuggly with him because he’s a boy. But everyone keeps saying that boys are like Mommy’s best friends. I guess we’ll have to see! I can’t believe how fast the first half of this pregnancy has gone! Just 7 more weeks left of this trimester and then we’ll be in the home stretch! I can’t believe it!
20 week bump pic...And not in my pajamas!! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just to let everyone know, I'm still alive! Mama G was out of town the last week or so therefore we haven't had any Toddle Along Tuesday posts. I'm hoping we can get back to that soon!

I'm in the process of putting together my final Citizen's Academy post but I need to find some time to get the pictures off the disc at home so I can put it all together. I'm hoping I'll have some time Saturday morning.

Other than that, things are going well. We're preparing for the snow! We got what we hope to be the last of the leaves raked out of the front yard and the Halloween decorations put away. We still need to clean out the gutters and put up the Christmas lights. It's been really cold the last couple days. Hopefully this weekend or next we'll be able to get out and do that.

I've also started Christmas shopping! I'm working very hard to compile my lists, both for people to buy for and for my own Christmas lists.

I'm looking forward to next week! I only have 3 days of work and then a 4-day weekend for Thanksgiving. We'll be making the annual trip to Appleton to celebrate with my family. It'll be the first Thanksgiving with Clara actually being able to eat with everyone...which prompted us to realize we need some sort of compact travel-type high chair. We'll be getting a clamp-on one. They're small, fold up easily, and can be used for quite a while. I've also got a handy dandy coupon for 20% an item at Babies R Us so that helps, too. We'll be picking it up on Friday when we go to Green Bay for our elective ultrasound and our big movie date to see Breaking Dawn Part 1!! I'm going to be buying our tickets later today! I can't wait!

The only crappy thing is that I've somehow caught a cold. I'm hoping I caught it soon enough...I took some extra Vitamin C this morning and will be keeping up with the Tylenol Cold in order to not feel so run down and hopefully make a quick recovery. No one wants to have a stuffy nose for Thanksgiving!

Stay tuned for more updates later this week and hopefully my gigantic Citizen's Academy finale post!

I want to give a shout out to my friend Eric and wish him a speedy recovery from his 3rd stem cell transplant, which he'll be finishing up today at Froedert Hospital. Here's a link to his latest article in the news. There's also a link to his blog located on the side of my page.

Monday, November 14, 2011

19 week survey

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 19 weeks…almost halfway there!

Total weight gain: +9lbs (137lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of a mango.

Sleep?: Insomnia seems to be creeping up again. It usually hits me around 1am and then I end up staying awake half the night.

How are you feeling physically? Pretty good, considering. I find that if I’m on my feet too long my back is really sore the next day, but otherwise I’m doing pretty well. I think keeping my weight in check really helps, too.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Ok, I guess. I did have a couple nights when something triggered an enormous crying episode that lasted a few hours, but I think there was a lot of pent-up frustration that needed to come out.

Best moment this week?: Finding out what we’re having! And Adam got to feel an outside kick for the first time.

Movement?: Lots! It’s still not consistent like I know it will be in another couple weeks, but I’m still feeling it a lot. It’s wonderful! :)

What is baby up to this week?: Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Food cravings?: No cravings, but I’m having a hard time with some meats. Pork is almost completely off my menu. I can do a couple strips of bacon, but I keep making ribs in the crock pot only to find I can’t eat them. I think ham might be ok, though. The turkey that we had for Thanksgiving last night also wasn’t a big hit with my stomach.

Labor signs?: I’ve been having some Braxton Hicks contractions; not a lot, but they’re noticeable. Having a full bladder and my being upset usually are a good trigger.

What I miss: Clothes that fit. I’m supplementing my wardrobe as much as I can, but last time I was pregnant it was summer so I have a lot of short-sleeved shirts and tanks that I can’t wear until I buy a couple cardigans to go over! I also bought a winter jacket because I know none of mine will fit in another month.

What I'm looking forward to: We’re having an elective ultrasound on Friday to see if we’re having a boy or a girl. :) There’s some awesome sales at a local consignment shop this weekend and I wanted to take advantage. After that Adam and I are going to see Breaking Dawn!!!!!!! I’m super excited about it!

Random Thoughts: I think this pregnancy is harder on me emotionally because of my body-image issues. I was always really skinny growing up. After I had Clara I gained 60lbs and it took a lot of work to get the weight off, but my body was forever changed. I was just starting to get comfortable with it when I got pregnant again. It’s hard for me to be ok with gaining weight and getting big, even though I know I’m pregnant and it’s going to happen. At least Adam still thinks I’m attractive. :)

19 week pic

Monday, November 7, 2011

18 week survey

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 18 weeks

Total weight gain: +8lbs (136.0lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of a sweet potato.

Sleep?: I busted out the body pillow last night and seemed to sleep better. Otherwise I was getting so sore by 4am that I couldn’t sleep comfortably anymore. Of course, I’ve been so exhausted this week that I hardly think it would matter.

How are you feeling physically? BIG. The doctor assured me at our last appointment that everything is measuring right on track, but it doesn’t make me feel less huge.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Good. We had Clara’s 1st birthday parties over the weekend and I think that was the hardest part. Hopefully I’ll be feeling less stressed now that the parties are over with and my Tuesday night class is also ending so that should free up the calendar some.

Best moment this week?: Welcoming my parents back home from their vacation in Hawaii. Clara was so happy to see Grandma! Also her birthday parties. They were a lot of fun and she got a lot of really nice gifts.

Movement?: More now, but still not consistent. Some kicks/punches are getting way more noticeable!

What is baby up to this week?: Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

Food cravings?: A lot of things! Lol Pizza, Chinese food, ice cream. Thankfully I’ve been able to hold them at bay so I can keep my weight down. I’m happy to see that I’ve gained less than a half pound over the last week.

Labor signs?: Nope. Not even Braxton Hicks.

What I miss: Having clothes that fit. I’m currently between wardrobes (both size-wise and weather-wise).

What I'm looking forward to: Our anatomy scan is in 3 weeks, but I’m still trying to get Adam to agree to an elective. :)

Random Thoughts: I can’t believe I have a one year old! I also can’t believe I’ll be doing this all over again with 2! I was thinking about the holidays and how this will be our last Thanksgiving and Christmas with one baby. Next year we’ll have 2! And our second won’t be a tiny squishy baby, either! S/He’ll be 8-9 months old! It’s hard to believe!
Excuse my shirt...I was in my jammies for the night and almost forgot to take this!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Houston, we have a ONE YEAR OLD!

My how times flies, huh? It seemed like just yesterday I was giving birth to this little squishy baby, and now she's a whole year old. It's crazy! In just a few short months we'll be starting all over again with number 2!

Congratulations, little girl! You made it! I can't wait to see what the next year brings!

A letter to my baby girl...

My darling Clara,

Today you are one year old! I cannot believe how much time has flown by! It seems like just yesterday that we saw you for the first time! You were such a tiny little thing, except for your eyes, which were wide open with the wonder at the big and bright world around you. I’m sure you found the whole thing quite rude, but we were so happy to meet you!

So many things have happened since that day.

I remember the day you came home. It was cold and rainy. We had you bundled up nice and cozy, though. Mommy cried when we left the hospital. It was sort of scary taking you home, where we wouldn’t have the nurses to help us! But you were a good girl. You didn’t even cry in the car!

Your first couple nights at home were pretty rough. You didn’t like to sleep during the night; you only wanted to be up during the day. One of my favorite nights was when Daddy got up with you in the middle of the night while Mommy slept. I went out to the living room to see how you guys were doing and found you both asleep on the couch-you in the Boppy holding Daddy’s finger and Daddy fast asleep next to you. We both still wish we would have taken a picture.

Before we knew it there were lots of people who came to see you: Great-Grandma Abendroth, your Aunts and Uncles, and even some cousins. Soon it was Thanksgiving and we made the trip to Great-Grandma’s house to see the whole family and to celebrate. We put you in a special outfit and even took a picture. It was very special since it had all 4 generations of our family in it! We did the same with your Great-Grandpa Mueller, as well as Daddy and Grandpa Mark, too.

Weeks went by and you continued to grow right before our eyes! You even started smiling! Pretty soon it was Christmas and we had more special outfits and more celebrations. You got lots of new books and toys-including some special books from Auntie Steff that are written in Spanish! Daddy likes to read you those. Mommy isn’t too good at it. :)

The New Year also brought lots of new things. You got to come along as we celebrated birthdays. You got to see the seasons change from winter to spring. You got to see all the beautiful flowers come up in Grammy’s garden. You started eating finger foods and not just formula! You were really becoming quite the little person! On Mother’s Day, you and Daddy and I all went to the NEW Zoo. It was your first trip to the zoo and it was so beautiful outside! You actually had a pretty good time. Of course, you really like riding in the stroller. You even got to see a giraffe up close!

Before we knew it you were starting to crawl! We had to move some furniture downstairs and put things away so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. You spent most of your days exploring the house. You eventually figured out how to crawl from the living room into your room to find more toys. And it wasn’t long before you were pulling yourself up to standing. We knew it wouldn’t be long before you figured out how to walk!

You also started swimming lessons! Once you got used to the pool you really had a fun time. Mommy really had a good time, too, because it was time that you and I spent together. Mommy promises that we will get back into swimming lessons soon, too!

By 10 ½ months old, you had finally figured out how to walk. You sure surprised Mommy that day! You were by the couch and had Scooter’s bone. He took it away from you and you got mad. I’ll never forget how you just walked right over to Mommy in the recliner like you had been doing it forever! I got so excited I had to call Daddy over so he could see, too. Since then, you’ve been walking everywhere! Now you hardly ever crawl anymore! You even figured out how to stand back up when you fall down, even when there’s nothing nearby to pull up on.

You’re such an amazing little person. You’ve got a huge personality that you let shine through every day. You’re always expressing yourself in the most interesting ways. I’d love to see what’s going on in your mind. :) You eat regular food just like Mommy & Daddy. You love to spend time with your grandparents and sometimes get upset when the leave or when we pick you up from their house. You absolutely LOVE your puppy, Scooter and we hope you’ll feel the same way about your baby brother or sister when s/he comes along! I love to see your happy face in the mornings when I get you out of your crib. You’re truly a ray of sunshine. Your little voice on the monitor in the mornings makes my heart swell. I can’t believe that your Dad and I were blessed with such a wonderful little girl.

We hope you continue to learn about and explore the big world around you. Never be afraid to come to us for help, no matter how old you are. Stand up for what you believe in; don’t let other people push you around. Know that whatever happens and whatever you might get into down the road, that your Daddy and I will always love you-no matter what.

We hope you have lots of fun at your parties this weekend and we can’t wait to see what the next year of your life brings. It’s sure to be as fun as the first!

Love always,

Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday-Hopes & Dreams

This week’s topic is particularly appropriate since its Clara’s first birthday tomorrow and this is the perfect time to express some of the things that I wish for my little girl as she grows up. Hopefully I don’t end up in a puddle of tears by the time I’m done writing!



My darling baby girl,

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since you’ve come into our lives. You’ve changed so much! Here are some things that I wish for you as you continue to grow:

  • Don’t grow up too fast. Take time to enjoy having someone take care of you! The adult world is no fun and Mommy & Daddy still wish we didn’t have to be grown-ups sometimes!
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have fun with life. 
  • Always strive to do your best, even if it’s not perfect.  
  • Follow your own heart. Don’t let people pressure you into something just because it’s what they want. Stand up for yourself-sooner rather than later, too! 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Mommy & Daddy are here for you no matter if you’re 1 or 51. :) 
  • We hope you’ll always have the courage and trust to talk to us about anything. We don’t ever want you to feel ashamed or afraid to talk to us.

You continue to amaze us every day. Keep growing and learning and exploring the big world around you. We’re very proud to be your parents and couldn’t have dreamed of having a more amazing child than you are. We love you very much!!


Monday, October 31, 2011

17-week survey

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 17 weeks

Total weight gain: +7.8lbs (135.8lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of an onion.

Sleep?: Good except for some weird dreams. I still try to nap when I get the chance.

How are you feeling physically? Ok for the most part, but I’ve had some uncomfortable days this week. I still have a lot of round ligament pain and earlier this week I had a lot of pressure and a feeling like I was going to drop the poor kid right out.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Aside from the stress of planning a birthday party (or 2) for my little munchkin, pretty good.

Best moment this week?: Clara’s 1st birthday (Nov 2)!! I can’t believe our little baby is going to be 1!

Movement?: Yes! I can for sure say that I’ve felt it. It hasn’t been strong or consistent but I’ve definitely noticed some!

What has baby been up to this week?: Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
Food cravings?: Nope.

Labor signs?: Too early, thankfully!

What I miss: Having as much physical ability to handle Clara as I used to.

What I'm looking forward to: We have an appointment today with Dr. V and then I’m just looking forward to Clara’s birthday on Wednesday, her pictures on Thursday, and her parties on Saturday and Sunday! What a busy week!

Random Thoughts: Not too many this week-I’m too busy planning parties!
17 week bump pic

11-month Survey

Almost missed it again this month! Too much birthday party planning, I guess!

Monthly Survey

1. How old is baby? 11 months, 4 weeks, 1 day

2. Stats:

  • a. Weight: around 25lbs.
  • b. Height: about 30-31 inches.
  • c. Clothes size: Pretty much 12 months or larger exclusively. Pants and pajamas are 12 or 18 months depending on brand.
  • d. Diaper size: Huggies size 4 for both regular and Overnights.
  • e. Hair color: Still blonde, though it looks a little reddish sometimes.

  • f. Anything else? She has her 12-month well-baby check-up on 11/9.

3. Milestones:

  • a. Teething: She has 8 teeth total. I felt the top of one molar come through the skin, the rest are still under, but coming through soon!
  • b. Talking: She constantly babbles and likes it when we repeat back what she said.
  • c. Rolling: Yes, but not as a mode of transport. Mostly as a form of play.
  • d. Walking: EVERYWHERE! She even likes it when she can walk while we’re out visiting places like the store or the zoo.
  • e. Crawling: Sometimes, but not as much.
  • f. Anything else? She now stands up on her own in the middle of the room. She also breaks into dance sometimes when she hears music. We might be buying Happy Feet 2 for just that reason!!

4. Things she likes:

  • a. Toys: She’s starting to get into more complex toys, like putting the coins in her piggy bank and playing with her nesting cups. But mostly she just likes to walk around.
  • b. Books: We want to start reading to her and the “bimb” every night before bed. We read to her when she was an inside baby so we’d like her to join in when we read to the new baby.
  • c. Songs: She just likes music in general.
  • d. TV Shows: Same shows.
  • e. Other activities: She LOVES looking at pictures and has figured out that cell phones have lots of pictures on them. She gets angry if you’re using a cell phone and NOT showing her pictures!

5. Things she dislikes: Not being allowed to walk, taking naps, and being told ‘no.’

6. Sleeping: At night is still good. She is now officially down to 1 nap per day, though it varies for time (either in the morning or afternoon, but not consistently either).

7. Eating: She had Spaghettios for the first time the other day and liked it. It won’t be an everyday meal, but it’s nice and quick if we need it to be.

  • a. Favorite foods: Oatmeal & fruit for breakfast, any kind of bread, brats, and veggies.
  • b. Not so favorite foods: regular potatoes

8. Nicknames: Nothing new this month.

9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: HER 1-YEAR BIRTHDAY! She is having both of her birthday parties and her 1-year photo shoot with Katie (Nov 3), and her first visit to the dentist (she’ll be sitting on my lap watching while I get my teeth cleaned). She’ll also have her second Thanksgiving and we’ll be finding out for sure if she’ll have a little brother or a little sister. Lots to look forward to next month!

10. How I like motherhood: I love it. It’s hard but the rewards are so awesome. She makes me laugh every day.

  • a. Likes: Getting her out of bed in the morning. She always has the biggest smile and a wave for me. :) Also, when I come home from work. She squeals with delight and rushes over to greet me.
  • b. Dislikes: Being tired or cranky from being pregnant.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday-Milestones

I've had a lot of major milestones in my life in the last couple of years:

Buying my first house

One thing I’ve learned about milestones is that they can be big or small. The important thing to remember about milestones is that they’re not necessarily big things. They can be small things like paying off loans or credit cards, having perfect attendance at work or school, or even passing a test. Milestones are what you make them and if you’re the only person they’re important to, then that’s fine, too.

I look forward to having many more small and large milestones in my life and celebrating them with those who are closest to me.

And, since I just wrote about Clara walking in one of my previous posts, I thought I'd finally post pictures of her first hair cut (which only ended up being a bang trim anyway). It's a milestone for her, anyway. :)



(It's the only "after" picture I had on the computer!)

Monday, October 24, 2011

16-week survey

Weekly Survey:

How far along? 16 weeks

Total weight gain: +5.8lbs (133.8lbs)

How big is baby?: The size of an avocado.

Sleep?: Still hit and miss. I’ve had an opportunity on occasion to take naps which helps, but not enough.

How are you feeling physically? Ok, but not great. I’ve had a lot of sciatica and right hip pain and the round ligament pains are terrible this time around.

How are you feeling emotionally?: Pretty good. I have bad days, but most of them are good.

Best moment this week?: On Friday I had a massage which was awesome! I’m looking forward to tonight when we’re taking Clara for Halloween pictures with Katie.

Movement?: I thought I might have felt a little something last night, but I’m still not 100% convinced.

What has baby been up to this week?: Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
Food cravings?: MILK!! Still. :) Other than that, nothing, really.

Labor signs?: Nope, still too early.

What I miss: Getting good sleep at night and having any kind of energy.

What I'm looking forward to: Next week is our next OB appointment and Clara’s 1st birthday!

Random Thoughts: Nothing too much this week, though I did realize that in about a month I’ll be halfway through this pregnancy already! Yikes!
16 week bump pic

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Citizen's Academy-Week 8: Police Department (and some other ramblings)

Last night we spent our final night with the Police Department. This week we covered high-risk traffic stops and crime scene investigation.

Both were extremely informative and the activities we participated in, including investigating our own crime scene and controlling a high-risk traffic stop, were really fun.

Next week we will be with City Finance (which I'm sure will be boring for me considering I HATE anything having to do with numbers) and then week 10 we will be having a mock "government" day. I'm not sure what is all involved in that, but we'll find out. Those are the last 2 weeks of class!

November 8th we'll be having a "graduation" and appreciation dinner. I'm looking forward to it, but I also need to make sure I don't stay too late...the last couple weeks have about wiped me out. I NEED TO GET SOME GOOD SLEEP!!!!

Normally, I'd have made this longer, but it's cold and wet outside and I'm exhausted. I look forward to being done with work for the day (2 more hours thankfully), going to the Chiropractor and then GOING TO BED (at least for a little while). One more day of work tomorrow and then I'll have Friday off.

I'm finally using the Groupon that Adam got me for our anniversary to go get a Prenatal Massage at Elite Spa in Green Bay. After that, I'm getting together with my sister-in-law to do some shopping and have lunch. THEN, for supper, we're picking up Adam's grandpa and going out to dinner. I'm sure I'll be ready to crash when I get home finally!! I really am looking forward to it, though. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Toddle Along Tuesday-FAIL!

Again, I’ve decided to join along the blog hop with Mama G at Growing up Geeky. This week’s topic is “FAIL!” It can be a Mommy fail, pregnancy brain or just something dumb we’ve done recently.

I can’t remember having a huge FAIL moment lately but I’ve had lots of little ones!

  • Remembered to put a bottle with water in it in the diaper bag but forgot the formula
  • Remembered to put some shirts in the diaper bag, but forgot a change of pants.
  • Putting the water and the fresh coffee grounds/filter in the coffee maker but forgetting to empty the carafe (which resulted in the Great Coffee Spill of 2011).
  • And this morning, forgetting to put gas in my vehicle over the weekend and getting in this morning (while running late) and seeing the gas light come on.

I know some of this is pregnancy brain, but some of it is just me having a terrible memory and/or having my mind be occupied elsewhere. Remember Dory from Finding Nemo? That’s me. People actually used to call me that. *sigh* It’s ok, I’ve resigned myself to it. :)

I remember the morning we got up to go to the hospital when I was induced with Clara. Whenever I’m home I always make Adam’s coffee (I don’t drink coffee, but always make it for him), so it really wasn’t any different that morning. Well apparently I wasn’t quite awake yet when I made it because after pouring himself a cup, he looked at it and said it looked a little funny. Turns out, I forgot to put grounds in it…AT ALL. Oops. Hope you enjoyed your hot water, honey! Lol I felt like a moron, but my mind really was somewhere else.

Little did I know 8 hours later my little girl would be born!